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[NAME] WAS UNDERNEATH A covering outside. she hid away as she hid herself away from the world. she shook her head repeatingly as she couldnt face it all.
all her feelings, memories, and pain were rushing back. everything from shibuya up and until now, it all poured down on her. she felt tears escape her eyes again, she felt so fucking pathetic. crying over the fact she couldn't bring herself to believe he was really arai hirokazu.
she wiped her tears with the sleeve of her clothing, but they just kept coming. [name] sobbed as she could never forget what she did in shibuya and the fact she had been trying to cover it up for such a long time now.
"fucking.. stupid!" she cursed, she stood up as she grabbed her knife out and gripped onto it tightly. she looked at herself in the reflection, looking at her tear stained face.
"where are you headed now, [name]?"
she looked back as she saw him, brutality- or whatever to call him. she held up her knife, as if she was defending herself from him. "shut the hell up! your a fucking- your lying to me!" she backed away.
"[name], dont try and pretend that you dont know what you did." he told her, he walked closer by a few steps. he tilted his head, even with that plague mask on, she could tell he knew everything.
"how would you even know? your not even him! you look like him.. but your not! you''ll never be him!" [name] harshly said. he sounded, looked, and was him. mentally, he wasnt.
"im aware of that!" he snapped, he looked towards her as he shook his head. "you wonder why i know? that's because i have his memories of his last few moments, his last few moments before you fucking killed him!" brutality pointed as he raised his voice. the alleyway was silence for sometime, as everything was just starting to crumble.
[name] shook her head as the truth started to eat her alive. "I only killed him because he- he would've turned on me too! I would still be here— or I'd probably be dead by now! oh you know what?! I'll probably be dancing around in hell!"
she clutched her head as she laughed maniacally, she paced around the alleyway a bit. she felt the gnawing in her brain to just tell her to do something else. something other than being stupid like this.
she looked back at him, he started to take off the plague mask. a stitch mark on his forehead.. that was just like kenjaku's. she stepped back as the memory flashed through her head, her first thought was 'it's fucking him.' as in kenjaku.
"no- get away!" she stepped back. she shook her head as she focused on his face, the fact it was really him wanted to make her gag.
"i need you to shoot me."
she stood still for a moment, her hand loosening on the knife. she couldn't process what he said. he wanted her to.. shoot him? she's done it before, she wasn't sure if she would ever do it again.
"no- i won't! i already kill you, i-.. i cant loose you again!" she told him, she looked down as she brought her hands to her head. she wanted to scream, cry, or rip her hair out.
"i already hurt you being in this body, i can't hurt anyone else." brutality explained to her, he looked at her. he wanted to see if she would face him, to know this is what he wanted.
"i killed you once before and i won't do it again."
brutality looked at her, as he threw his mask on the ground. "just fucking shoot!" he snapped, he got closer. he wanted her to just shoot him, so he wouldn't toy with others anymore.
[name] cried, she shook her head. her hand subconsciously reached for her gun on her holster. she knew what he was saying was true, she just- she couldn't bring herself to kill him. this was arai's body, her best friend, her only true friend. it was like killing him all over again.
"do it." brutality told her, he waited. his eyes trailed around her gun, as he knew he had to face it. he wasn't like kenjaku, trying with peoples hearts and emotions. that wasn't him.
she sniffled and coughed from the amount of tears. she held the gun tightly, her finger struggling to pull on the trigger. she had too, even if it was his body.
"your a good person, that's what arai thought of you." brutality spoke softly, as memories of hirokazu's life flashed before his eyes. "don't let tha"
[name's] grip loosened on the gun, it dropped to the ground before his body did. she didn't even pull the trigger..? she stepped back as there was blood all over her, she was covered in his blood. she looked back up, as she was faced with a cursed user.
her eyes focused on his lifeless body, that didn't even have a head anymore. blood poured out as it got on his mask, then to her gun, then to her shoes..
"good riddance, i spent ten minutes watching you guys talk and talk and talk.." he muttered, he raised his hand up. something started to surge within this cursed users hand. he stood over brutality's body, as if it was nothing mere than that.
[name] looked back up at him, her breath quickening. she felt her hand reach for her knife. she was supposed to kill him. that's what he wanted.
"now for y-"
the cursed user didn't even finish his sentence. he was already dead by the time his body hit the ground.
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uhm.. happy early thanksgiving...?
anyway now that thats out of the way, whoever said 'you just killed him without a care in the world, i aspire to reach this level of not giving a fuck' thingy when in first killed him off
i cant really explain why i killed him other than for the plot🥰