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IT FELT LIKE HOURS OF WALKINGbut it was probably only a few minutes

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but it was probably only a few minutes.. with every step they took, fear and anxiety rose up within them both. they stayed close, clinging onto each other as they were scared shitless.

"god.. why did they have to give us this mission..?" [name] quietly said, she was shaking from the anticipation within her. she was on the brink of breaking down from the fear inside of her.

"i think the message of the window not returning was a sign that this mission wasn't what it seemed.." hirokazu added, he gripped the flashlight tighter. he just needed to find matsumoto and then he would do his best to get them all out of there.

as they continued down a hall, there was a huge gash from whatever ran through it. hirokazu stepped first, making sure it was safe enough for [name] to come through. he didn't see any signs of the curse or matsumoto.

there were no signs of her, nor the curse that took her. finally, hirokazu lost his patience. "mio! are you th-"

"what the hell are you doing?! are you trying to get us killed?!" [name] questioned him, she shut his mouth with her hand as she looked around. she was on edge, she couldn't handle this mission anymore.

he took her hand off his mouth, he wiped his mouth with the sleeve of his uniform, he sighed quietly. "look, if we wanna get out of this, we're gonna find her." hirokazu told her.

[name] let out a soft exhale, she looked around the room as it was dark and there was no signs of matsumoto. "i'm scared.. i- i'll go back and get help."

"no way.. first of all i'm not letting you go back alone, hell— there isn't even a back." hirokazu reasoned, he held onto her hand tightly, assuring her. "look... i'm scared too, but i've got your back. as long as you've got mine.."

[name] looked up at him, as he kept a firm grip on her hand, but also assuring her in the process. she sighed quietly, she shook her head. "okay.. we'll keep going." she agreed finally.

hirokazu nodded as he lead them through more halls and corridors, they stayed close together as they ventured deeper. the sounds of creaking metal was heard, which scared them, but yet they continued. it was all for matsumoto.. hopefully, if they found her.. she would be alive? what a way to think of it..

as hirokazu walked forward, he suddenly gasped as he fell. he had nearly dragged [name] down with him, but she managed to let go before falling down completely. she groaned as her knee hit the floor hard, she looked down to see the light from flashlight was on, and it was moving.

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