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tonight, everyone was, well mostly everyone

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tonight, everyone was, well mostly everyone. was at a restaurant, that gojo and the principal was paying for, it was for the success of winning the good will event. though, some people couldnt make it. mainly just inumaki and panda.

hirokazu and [name] were lucky to even be there, the others were lucky to be there.

"alright.. so what's the topic on everyones mind?" gojo asked them, instead it was just awkward silence and just staring. "ohh kay, lets talk about that exchange event then?" he tried to make conversation with the students and his teacher.

"uhh, I thought we came to eat?" itadori asked him.

"your actually huge."

[name] looked down at her lap, as she just wanted to leave. being there was awkward enough, especially since she didnt do anything during the event, and got removed last moment. she sighed as this was just embarrassing for her, though she came regardless. that's because hirokazu convinced her to go.



she suddenly woke up from her daze, she glanced over at hirokazu who was holding the menu. "what do you wanna eat? i think i'm just gonna get the soba noodles.." he explained, as he pointed at the order.

[name's] eyes scanned over the menu, as she didn't find much interesting to eat. "i'll just have the same as you.." she muttered, as she snacked on the appetizers.

"hey, [name]."

she looked up as gojo called her name, he sounded serious. she raised her eyebrows as she waited for him to continue.

"let's talk about what happened at the exchange event,"

everyone glanced her way, as she was on the spotlight. she felt like she was being interrogated, she clutched her fists. why was he asking her that here? especially in front of her peers and underclassmen.

"what did you accomplish?"

"i.. uh-"

"nothing again this year?"

she bit the inside of her cheek, was he really trying to humiliate her? she looked down at her lap as she didn't want to look up. her hands clutched onto her clothes as she wanted nothing more to yell at him.

"[name]... you alright?" hirokazu asked her, leaning down as he saw her expression. he looked concerned, as for everyone else, they were just watching.

"satoru, i think that's enough." yaga spoke, as he noticed the girls body language and silence.

"is this really the place to talk about this?" itadori asked everyone, as he also noticed that she seemed a bit annoyed or embarrassed.

"this is exactly the pla-"

"yeah, maybe i did do the same as last year." she interrupted gojo, she looked up a little as she sighed a bit. [name] gulped a bit, as she tried to hold the urge to just scream.

"cant you try harder?"

something in her just, snapped.

"try harder- try harder?! i might be a weak and useless person, but i did try! do you even know how scary it is? you probably don't because your too busy being the strongest!" [name] shouted at him, everyone at the table was now looking at the both of them.

luckily for them, they had rented out the restaurant. so no one could hear them.

"look i'm not trying to say the obvious, but-"

"no, you know exactly what your saying, and i get it. ever since you finally realized we had no potential, you threw us away and never picked us back up!" [name] gestured to her and hirokazu, who was looking down at the menu as he didn't know how to speak up.

"that isn't true."

"you know damn well it is! don't think you can lie out this one and say we did have potential! i know everyone in this room thinks we're both nothing else compared to them." she knew what everyone thought of them both, her and hirokazu.

"i'm not lying and i've never thought of that a day in my-"

"oh then? let me just- apologize for not being as strong like kinji, yuta, maki, and everyone else! let me just say i'm sorry that i'm not strong!" she shouted at him, she sat on her knees as she was tired of them being looked down on.

"i was your teacher for one year, that doesn't speak for anything. i have new students to teach, your just a graduate." gojo tried to make his way out of this, he rubbed his forehead as she was stressing him out.

"we were your students too!" she cried out, as the room fell silent.

hirokazu glanced over at [name], then back at gojo. he sighed quietly as that had been circulating his head for awhile, more than awhile. he always knew, but he just never wanted to say anything.

the first years, looked down at their appetizers, as the silence was awkward and just painful. no one had anything to say, no one didn't even reply.

"your big idea was to help the new generation, right?" she asked him, [name] held back years as she had been wanting to address this for awhile now. "but you couldn't even help the new generation right in front of you."

silence was there again, before [name] sighed and got up as she shook her head. she walked towards the door and exited the room.

no one stopped her, but one followed.

"sorry, i don't think i have a appetite." hirokazu spoke, he got up too and rushed out, quickly following after.

no one stopped them both, and dinner continued.


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october 1st 2024

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