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"LETS GO! ANOTHER FEW POINTS!" he shouted, he skipped around as he won yet another battle killing another participant. he laughed as he had around 40 points, soon enough he would be able to make up a rule for this stupid game.
"aha- let's go kill some mo-"
his guts spilled all over the place, his brains bing blown from up above.
[name] looked down at the man she just killed, she put her gun back in her holster as she walked down the stairs of the parking lot building. she had 45 points now, halfway to 100. she sighed as she continued to walk through the city, as she just wanted to get it over with.
the colony [name] was in, it was so far the most vicious compared to the other colonies. there were people dying left and right. it wasnt just cursed spirits now, it was sorcerers and people.
she walked aimlessly around the city of Sendai, as she was in colony 3. she would hear people scream half of the time, though she ignored them. she had heard so many screams and the sounds of death, she was practically used to it by now.
not to mention, she was alone. no one was in the sendai colony.
she continued to walk around, listening as people screamed and ran past her. running away from something, she walked into a alley, as she stood there for awhile.
she wasn't dumb enough to stick around and get herself killed. she sat there, as she loaded and held her gun. as she looked down as it was screaming at her to do something. she didn't. what would that do? nothing.
she got out as she walked along the street again, she held her gun as she knew the area was a targeted shot where sorcerers were supposed to kill each other.
sendai was like a death wish, she just had to go here. they must've hated her a lot to send her to the city of death.
she heard something from up above, she saw something being flown towards her. she ran off to a covering, which was behind a nearby car. she looked from where she was, she could see it was another sorcerer. he had a pair of knives in his hands, which were imbued with cursed energy.
[name] held her handgun as she sent several shots up there. she saw the sorcerer jump back, blood spewing out from there. she took the chance to go up there and finish the job.
killing.. she knew it was a bad thing. though, after everything she didn't really care anymore. she's killed cursed spirits before, never really other people.
she stepped up the stairs, as she made it to the top. it was another parking space, and there was the sorcerer who was trying to walk away. he held the side of his arm as he was bleeding like crazy.
[name] walked closer, she kicked the back of his legs making him fall over. she looked over at him, as she pointed her hand gun down at him.
he seethed and breathed heavily, as his wounds were making his body sting. he looked up at her, as there was a pool of blood starting to form.