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"I NEED A NEW PHONE, IF YOU CANget me one soon as possible

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get me one soon as possible.." [name]
explained to her past teacher. she stood in front of his desk, she felt the heavy burden on her shoulders. she couldn't bare to face her teacher when she knew of things he didn't.

"again? i already just got you a phone after the kyoto goodwill event.." he muttered, he shook his head as he didn't know what to do with her.

"sorry.." she apologized, she held her head low.

he pulled something out of his drawer, before handing it to her. "here, try not to loose them so often." gojo said, while he leaned back in his chair.

she nodded, she was about to walk out. then he called her back, he leaned a bit forward on his desk as she walked back over.

"since i have you... i've got some stuff to ask." he said, he pouted his cheeks as he rested his chin in between his hands. he looked at her, before gesturing for her to take a seat.

[name] pulled a chair, she sat in front of him now. she held the box which held her new phone, she had no clue on what he wanted to ask. hopefully, it wasn't anything bad.

"i've noticed you look less normal, than usual." gojo explained, he put his hands together as they rested on the table. even though he never wanted to baby her now that she was a bit more independent. he was still there when she needed him.

"i'm never normal." she commented, she didn't consider herself 'normal'. she was always crazy or just plain. she was far from normal, or just to be normal.

"what i'm saying is.." he sighed, he kinda struggled on teaching her basic things. she was always either crazy or just doing stupid things. "as a sorcerer, your far from normal. me and you both know that. i'm saying that you should change your mindset of things."

[name] looked at him, she looked tired. he knew she was, she was tired of being a sorcerer. though, he wasn't going to say she should quit and return back to that toxic and abusive household.

"you know, if you really tried. you would be better at exorcising curses and doing your missions i've assigned." he told her, maybe he was being a bit harsh, but he needed to so she could get what he was saying.

"i don't get it.. are you saying i'm dead weight? or i should quit?" [name] asked him, she put her hands in her lap. she looked down, down at herself. she knew she was dead weight to everyone, not really a shock or anything.

"i'm saying, maybe i'm considering on giving you a break. you've been through a lot over the past four and a half years." gojo said, he maybe had realized that she maybe did truly need a break.

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