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months. each day felt like one year in that mental hospital, it was longer than anything. it didn't even help her, she felt even more insane.

she couldn't sleep again, she looked out the window of the hospital. the snowy mountains and isolation. she kept hearing voices, she couldn't stop hearing them. ever since her last visit from someone, she hadn't gotten one since. she doesn't even know what's happening in the outside world.

she was less restricted than she was a few months ago, she was able to move freely around the hospital. she wanted to leave, she knew there was nothing for her here. she knew she didn't even have much time before she'd go insane.. more insane.

she had other clothes from when she had gotten here, they let her keep those surprisingly. she started to put them on, they still had all the blood all over it. she didn't care, as long as if was something to keep her somewhat warm. she didn't have anymore weapons, she had to work with what she had.

she got dressed, as she tried to open the door. it wouldn't open, they had safety locks for when it was past curfew. she cursed under her breath as she didn't know what to do now. she looked at the window, as she had a small stool that visitors were allowed to sit on.

she grabbed that as she walked over to the window, she swung it against the window. luckily, it wasn't a strong glass that other parts of the ward had. she threw the stool back down on the floor, then she looked down. there was a roof she could jump on. [name] huffed as the cold mountain air blew over, she got up a bit as she began to make her way down.

there was a thud as she rolled onto the lower roof of the building. she groaned as she sat up, she slid down the side as she hit the snowy ground. she huffed from the adrenaline rush.

"fuck.. fuck! i'm good— i'm fine.." she muttered to herself, she stood up as she began to run down the hill of the hospital. the cold air blew harshly as it was windy and the snow wasn't letting up anytime soon.

she shivered as she ran down the hill, she wasn't even on the trail. she could barley see from the snow storm, she couldn't see two feet in front of her. [name] chattered her teeth together ss she rubbed her arms.

she shrieked as she stumbled down the hill, she rolled down as she couldn't stop slipping down the snowy slope. she tried to grip onto something, but the only thing that was out there was snow.


she hit the bottom as she groaned as she got up, she was still okay after that fall. she held her arm as she began to walk in a way that seemed like a trail, she shivered as the temperature was dropping.

"fuck.. fuck.. i actually did it! fuck that insane asylum!" she muttered, she chattered her teeth together as it was freezing. she looked around as she knew there was no going back.

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