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THEY PUSHED [NAME] DOWN INTO a cellar, the same one from a week or two ago. she groaned as they pushed her hard and into the chair. "i didn't even do anything! the person you should be locking up is sukuna!" [name] shouted at them, they started to bring her wrists to the back of the chair. she didn't even understand why she was being tied up.
"you killed arai, what the hell do you mean?!" maki shouted, she slapped [name] harshly. she was frustrated with her and everything else that was happening.
"maki, let's not hit her too much." okkotsu told her, he finished tying her in place. he stood in front of his senior with maki now. "we're keeping you down here until everything settles." he explained.
"i didnt fucking do anything! i come back from sendai- covered in blood, cuts, and bruises! the first thing your shitheads do is lock me up?!" [name] asked them, she pulled forward on the chair.
maki slapped her again, trying to knock some sense into her psychotic head of hers. "oh shut up! your a murderer, that's all you'll ever be." she told her senior. "you probably had something to do with sukuna and megumi now. if i think more of it, your an accomplice for all the other shitheads out there."
"no im not!" [name] leaned forward again, pulling on the ropes on her wrists.
"maki let's chill, she's going through a lot." okkotsu put his hand in front of her. he didn't want [name] to be hurt more than she already was.
"yeah! listen to okkotsu, the smart and pussy boy man he is!" [name] hollered, she chuckled as she was seriously loosing it.
"don't make me slap you too.."
[name] shook her head as she tried wiggling around to get out of the ropes. "make these ropes not so tight!" she said, she continued to wiggle around as she tried to get out.
"what does it take to shut you up!" maki questioned, as she stood in front of her insane senior. she shook her head as she held her weapon behind her back tightly.
"right.. right. quiet- quiet, quiet quiet.." [name] muttered, she shook her head frequently as she looked down at the ground.
"what the heck is she talking about?" okkotsu wondered, watching her display a crazy and mental behavior. she started rambling about different things, her eyes shifting around the room. she made herself more insane by the second.
"oh- arai! don't go fucking yourself in that bathroom! oh no.. gojo is sealed and there's nothing to do! gojo's dead! dead, dead, dead, dead, dead-.."
they watched her display of her deranged behavior getting worse, as she whispered things to herself and wouldn't stop moving. it was unlike anything they've ever seen her do before.