Chapter 2

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     As I was laying there peacefully, all the sudden the water changed red. Then they crashed over me, soaking me and smashing me into the water. When I swam to the top of the water. I was suddenly was standing on some kind of reddish purple sand.
As I started to walk around a sudden wave of rage hit me. It felt like my body was on fire. Just then I seen 2 people standing in the distance. Only my bio parents knew where I would be, or so I thought. They started to come closer to me. The closer they got the worse my anger was. With my anger accelerating I started to panic. My mind wanted to hurt them, but my heart said we needed them. Finally they got close to where their image was clear. They weren't the people I saw in my vision. I had to fight everything not rip there head off. Ani helped me stay calm. Then the male spoke.
" We are here to escort you to the castle Princess Revna."
" It's Stella," I said, but they didn't say anything back. They just started walking back to where they came.
     I followed them a little bit far behind to control the anger. Then it hit me. They just called me princess! That made me more nervous. Why would a king and queen give up there child? No matter if I was conceived in a forbidden way.
    We came up to this blood red road leading to the most beautiful black castle. On the side of the road were the woods I had seen in my vision.  We came to this black gate that glowed purple. There were what I assume are guards all around the gate, at lest 10 fet apart. Then the female guard turned and looked at me.
" Only you and the pack can open the gate. Follow the road to the front. Your parents are waiting." She said.
      I went up to the gate and opened it. The guards all looked at me. As if they would kill me if I couldn't open it. As the gate shut behind me, i thought I herd the guards cheer. Witch was confusing. Why would they cheer for me? When I get closer to the big door I see them.
"" Stop,"" Ani said.
I froze where I stood. I suddenly felt as if my skin was on fire. That's when I noticed my skin was glowing light red.
"" Now move,""said Ani.
As I slowly made my way to the door the better I felt. It was like a weight lifted off my shoulders. Then I got to where I could see them clearly. Each one's skin was glowing a sparkly yellow orange,the women a very bright white, it also sparkled. They were my birth parents. They looked exactly like the people in my vision. They seemed to not have aged at all. Then for some reason I stopped about 6 feet away. That is when I noticed my glow turned purple. I was confused.
I didn't think I would change colors. I looked up to see my parents' reaction. They had no expression, it must be normal.
I didn't wanna move closer. I didn't have to, because they moved to me. Pretty soon we were face to face. Then all of the sudden I here voices in my head. It sounded like them. It was just a hi from each. I guess they saw the confusion on my face.
Then the lady spoke in a shaky voice " Just making sure it was really you."
" I prefer to be warned when I am about to here voices in my head," I said.
Then they hugged me so fast. I couldn't even comprehend what happened. I feel like I couldn't talk. Everything gets hot all sudden.
"" Back up"" Ani said.
" Ani doesn't want you touching us," I said.
" La mia luna ci dispiace," the man said.  Which means I am sorry my moon in Italian. That made Ani whimper.
    I could tell there is something Ani isn't telling me. It's like she knows whats going on. Nothing else was said they both got on one side of me. They put their arms around me. We started walking to the door. When we got to the door they told me to open it. Then they held onto me tighter. When I opened the door my brain was flooded with my memories. Then I felt as if every human think in me was set on fire. I am glad they had a hold of me. I would have been thrown back. Then the lady spoke.
  " I can't believe you are home. We didn't think we'd see you again."
" We have so much to explain and tell you. For now lets get you to your room piccola luna," said the man.
     I followed them up a beautiful black staircase with a red carpet. We got up the stairs and went down a medium size hallway. To a room with two big black and purple doors. The man opened them to a big black and purple colored room, that had a beautiful canopy bed. They turned to me.
"This is your room piccola luna," said the man.
    I don't why it warmed my heart hearing him call me little moon. I know he is my father, but he didn't raise me. Why did I already love them? They left the room and everything got quiet. I sat on the bed and took a deep breath. These past couple days have been very eventful. After a couple minutes of sitting there. I got up and looked around the room.
    There were two doors in the room. They were the same color as my bedroom door. I opened the one closest to the window. It was a huge bathroom. There were mirrors, benches, and hooks in a shower in the corner. There was vanity that had lights around the mirror, and shell shaped sink. The floor was white and the wall was gold red. I left the bathroom and shit the door. Then I opened the other door. It was a huge walk-in closet that was already filled with clothes. I started to look at all the clothes. They were all my size and all the colors I liked. They even looked like ones I would pick out for myself. I looked through the drawers. There were undergarments and pajamas. I was surprised nobody could ever get me clothes I liked. Yet here was a closet full of clothes, and I actually like all them.
   I decided to take a shower. The shower had a 360 shower head. The hot water felt good in my bones. There was a bench in the middle that separated the water from the back. Behind the bench was a dry spot that was a dry spot that had hooks. I walked around the bench to dry my off. Then laid in bed with the towel around me.

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