Chapter 26

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Stella's pov ...
              Its been a week the days have gone by slow. I haven't seen Dragon since last week after my coronation. I spent most of my time with Katharina. She was teaching me the "vampire ways". The session usually took all day. Then she would lock me in my room till the next day. Today was no different the session was long then she locked me in my room. She was nice enough to give me books to read. Some on vampire history and some just stories.
     I stayed up reading a book called the beyond. I was stuck in the book and didn't here the door open.
"Must be a good book" Dagon said.
I quickly looked up. Dagon was looking at me, he had a dress in his hand.
"This will be the dress you were tomorrow. I will be crowned King of my kingdom tomorrow. I will be busy so the Queen will monitor you. I will be introducing you as my Queen tomorrow. That is why you have to be there."  He said.
"And no touching anyone. There will be consequences if you do." He continued, as he laid the dress down.
It was a solid black dress. It had a slit on the side and a v-neck line. The straps were red beads. After i looked at the dress he grabbed it and took it to the closet. When he came out he was only in a pair of gym shorts. He got in bed beside me ,and turned the opposite way of me.  I then laid down and tried going to sleep.  It was hard sleeping without the twins. I felt empty without them.
    Since I been here I haven't herd from Ani and I can't mind-link anyone. I miss Ani she is my other half. I am actually empty without her. I finally fell asleep after a few hours.
"Wake up" I herd Katharina's voice say.
Its weird how nice she has been to me this time. She seems to be trying to make me comfortable. I will never be comfortable here. Especially while being forced to obey.
"Time for you to shower and put on your dress.  Dagon is busy preparing for tonight. So I will escort your there." She said as she laid my dress on the bed.
I took a long shower. At lest this time I could wash myself. As I showered I thought of ways to get close enough to someone. Maybe try using my power. It was just a theory to me at first. Since I am not supposed to touch anyone, I assume it was true.
I got out the shower and put on my clothes. When I was ready Katharina was waiting on me.
"Smile. Your mate is a king." She said.
"My mates are Alpha's" I said with a growl.
"You will respect him eventually. You will love it here. Your mother did, before your father. My revenge is just giving you a happy life here." She said, as she led me out the room.
"I will never be happy here." I said as we walked to the ballroom.
Before we got to the ballroom Katharina spoke.
"There is a point where I can't be by you, and neither can Dagon. You are not to touch anyone. You will have a spot to yourself." She said as she opened the doors.
There was a chair by the stage away from everyone. She sat me down in it.
"You are to stay here till one of us says get up." She said,walking on the stage.
She started to read a poem, but I didn't listen. I was more focused on the girl staring at me.  She was pretty. She had short curly brown hair, red eyes, was short, and pale. She looked mad. I have never wanted someone to hit me so bad.  Maybe she was a ex of Dagon's and is jealous. I started staring back at her, like she did me. I was hoping to make her mad enough to try something.
"King Dagon Draken!" I herd Katharina yell, catching my attention.
I didn't even notice Dagon come in.
"Now that this part is complete. Everyone enjoy the music and appetizers in the back." Katharina continued.
As Katharina finished talking Dagon made is way to me.  Everyone elts began dancing and eating.
"That dress fits you beautifully." He said, putting his hand around my waist.
Then the girl came up to him ,and tapped him on the shoulder.
"Care to dance," she smiled.
"I am busy Jade ," he said , not even looking at her.
He was standing in between me and her. Then she looked at me.
"He was mine before you came along." She said getting closer to me.
"Well you must suck at keeping a man. I tend to get the ones I don't even want." I said with a devilish smile ,looking at Dagon. I was hoping to piss her off enough to hit me.
"How dare you!" She said then hit me.
"I said no touching her!!!!" Katharina's voiced echoed through the room.
She was to late though. Right after she hit me I started sucking the Chi out of her. Since I practiced how to with the twins. I knew how I just needed one dumb person to make a mistake. Before I took all of it Dagon shoved her out of the way.
"GRAB HER!" Dagon said.
I ran for the door,but there were to many people in front of the door. I turned around to look for windows, but Dagon was right there. He hit me hard, but I held my ground and hit back. I hit him hard enough to throw him back a few inches. When I did that I felt a needle stab me. Wolfsbane! Fuck!
"Fuckin pussy"I said, as I passed out.

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