Chapter 3

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When I woke up everything felt oddly normal. Even though I woke up on a different planet, with different parents. I know I will get my answers today. I have no idea what to expect. I had a-lot of questions. Like what that guard mean by pack? What was the forbidden thing? Why did they give me up? I know what I am, but why is everyone surprised I am real?
I got out of bed, got some clothes and went to shower. I am gonna love this shower. I got out and ready to go downstairs I was nervous. I took a deep breath and then opened the door. I walked slowly down the stairs to the living room. I stood in the doorway and stared at my parents. Their backs were turned they haven't seen me yet. So I cleared my throat. I didn't know what to call them yet. They turned around and looked at me. I could tell they loved me. I felt awkward. I don't know them. They didn't know me or I don't think they do. They are strangers to me.
" Good morning piccola luna," the man said breaking the silence.
" How are you?" Asked the women.
"" I can not believe she asked that,""Ani said to me.
" Umm I don't know," I lied. I was pissed and wanted to yell them.
" We know you are upset Stella, you don't have to hide it," said the man.
" Ok well I'm not ok I'm pissed. I have loads of questions. Also Anima isn't to happy with you either," I said.
" We are sorry honey. We promise to answer all your questions today," said the women.
" First, we are gonna give you a tour. Then we can talk in the study. We had everyone leave the house for today, so we could be alone," said the man.
     They had lots of rooms. They showed me the kitchen. Nice to know I still can eat normal food. Then showed me the training room, dungeon,dining area, library, ballroom, meeting room, the study, and where and who the bedrooms belong to. The tour only made me have more questions. We walked back to the study and sat on the couch. It was black leather half way rounded couch. I didn't even know where to start, or what I wanted to know first. I didn't even know their names. I wonder if they have my last name. If they do, what did my other parents have the same last name too? I took a deep breath and spoke.
" Well I don't even know your names."
" Well I am Marco Lorenzo Lupa. Your mothers is Alice Vittoria Lupa," said Marco.
"Then that brings up my next question. Why did my other parents have the same last name?" I said.
" Well we didn't want you to know about us. Unless you saw the vision. We still wanted you to have our last name though. So we changed their last name. They didn't know until they saw the discharge papers. They went to change it but everything they had had already been changed. Thats when they realize we changed it," said Alice.
" Do you know what I am?" I asked.
" Yes and no. We know you are something different than us. We were forbidden to be together," said Marco.
"We know you are a wolf, vampire, and witch. Because your mom is a vampire witch and I am a wolf." He continued.
" Well you are right I am also something else. I am a succubus. I don't know what that is though and neither does Ani. She just knows the name,"I said.
" What do you mean by forbidden," I continued.
"Well your father and I aren't supposed to be together. Because he is a wolf and I a vampire. Nobody knows why we are forbidden. It is one of our oldest laws. If I was just a witch it would have been fine," said Alice.
" But we are mates so we didn't care about the rules," said Marco.
" What do you mean mates?" I asked.
"You see, wolves and vampires have one mate. When you see or smell them your heart aches for them. Your heart will be in pain unless your mate is around you. The pain only goes away when your mate marks you. Its more of an emotional pain than physical."said Marco.
"When I saw your mother my wolf went crazy. He had to have her no matter what," continued Marco.
" Will I have a mate?" I asked.
" Of course sweetheart," said Alice.
" You don't have to worry about that for a while." Marco growled.
" Oh hush Marco," said Alice.
" Why did you leave me on another planet with different parents?" I hesitantly asked.
" You see I am Alpha of all alpha's. Before we found out about you we told people we were mates. We were forbidden to be together, but you also can't keep mates apart. Real mates when they mark each other they get the same tattoo. It will be something that connects you. You see when you mark someone that isn't your given mate. There will only be a bite mark on you. After we showed we were mates we found out about you. At first we were happy and setting up a room for you. But as word got out that you were being born. Some people were not happy about it no matter if we were mates. They thought we shouldn't have kids. There was a few attacks on us. Then we herd some people wanted you for themselves. Someone close to your mother took her, and almost killed her and you," said Marco.
" That is when your father and I decided to take you very far from here. We didn't want you dying ,because we needed to be together. We were hoping if you were able to come back. That you could forgive us," said Alice.
" Did you not expect me to come back?" I asked.
" No piccola luna, we did not. We have never seen a world with no magic. We didn't know if living on a powerless planet would take you powers or not. You could only get to us if you had your powers," said Marco.
" But it was the safest option for you. If we kept you here there was always a possibility of someone killing you. Or worse kidnapping you for there own. They would have made you into a weapon for themselves. They would have tortured you for not obeying," said Alice.
" So you knew I would have a vision when I got my powers?"I asked.
" Yes we did,"said Alice.
That all was a-lot to take in, but I understand why they did it.
" Who are the guards all around the gate? What can't they come in? What did the guard mean when he said , Only you and your pack can open the gate? And why did I get angry with them?" I asked.
" Well we wanted to make sure nobody could get to you if you come back. So for years your mom perfected a protection spells.  She made it to where only family and our pack members can enter. Without permission from one of us that is. You probably were mad because they are a spell, and not real." Said Marco.
" If they are a spell for the gate, how did the 2 guards come and get me?" I asked.
" Because they're service wasn't done until you arrived. People from other worlds can end up here by mistake. We usually kill them all because they don't belong here. Then we put you on Earth. So every-time a girl came on the beach they would bring her to the gate. There was no way of showing them what you look like. We tried , but if it wasn't in the spell they don't know it. You can't put a picture in a spell. So they would bring the girls to the gate and would kill them if they failed." Said Alice.
" Why did they cheer when I opened it?" I asked.
" Since they are not real they don't wanna be here. Their bond with the spell keeps them here. Now that we found you they can leave. The guards soul purpose here was to get you before anyone sees. Some people figured you might come in that way. So they tried to get to the girls first." Said Marco.
" Why can I see colors glowing around people?" I asked.
They both looked at each other.
" What do you mean? Nobody glows piccola luna." Said Marco.
That made me feel weird. Why can I see the colors?
" I only have 2 more questions. Well at least at the moment. I'll ask more if I think of them later."I said ignoring the question. 
" First who filled my closet? How did they get my clothes how I like them? Nobody has done that," I continued.
Alice laughed " I did. We have been watching you ever since you got you powers. We still wanted to see you grow up. Even if it wasn't here. We were able to see you when you powers kicked in."
" How could you see me?" I asked.
" A shadow spell it only would work if you had powers. We could see everything, but couldn't talk or touch anything. I could only cast that spell while there. It would stay even though I left the planet." Alice said.
I was overwhelmed. That was a lot to take in. They really tried to protect me. Maybe things won't be so bad. All that information at once gave me a headache . I'm done with questions for right now.

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