Chapter 27

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    I woke up feeling very weak. As a woke I noticed I was chained up. It was the same place I was held when I was here the first time. Dagon was at my cell door.
"Your awake." He said.
As soon as he said that i herd a door fly open.
"You stupid bitch!" I herd Katharina say as she came into view.
"I can't do that spell again for another week!" She said.
"Nobody but you goes in this cell! Only you are immune to her. She'd be able to suck me dry if I didn't use a spell to protect me. I hope you know you still killed that girl." She said looking at me.
"I don't like obeying anyone.  She was a small price so I didn't have to." I said smiling.
"I made sure to carry wolfsbane for situations like that. Funny that you have so many powers,but with enough of it it drains you." She said laughing.
"You are to watch her till I can do the spell again. Nobody is allowed in here,but you." She said leaving.
As soon as she left he opened the cell door.
"You definitely taught Jade her lesson. You seem to forget yours though." He said as he hit me hard.
"You belong to me now. You can't just go sucking the life out of people here." He said as he transferred my chains to the bed.
I tried pulling the chains out his hand to run. He had a firm grip on them though.
"I won't let you go that easily. I am not Jasper. I am much stronger than him." He said, chaining me to the wall.
"I do wonder how you taste without that spell. Your blood is still good, but the spell makes it different than normal." He explained as he moved his hand to my neck.
"We will be spending a-lot of time together. Since I am the only one that can guard you ,I can't leave." He said licking his fangs.
"I will be here till she can do the spell again." He said pausing.
"But sadly I still have paperwork" he said walking out the cell.
I sat there for what seemed like hours. Then I started to feel the wolfsbane wear off.
""Ani?"" I asked searching for her voice.
""I am here weak, but here. What happened I don't remember anything."" She said , with a very weak voice.
"I think it was the obedience spell I was put under. It blocked you out""I said.
"" How long?"She asked.
""A month at lest"" I said sadly.
""There is another kinda like us. He's a incubus, male succubus. Our blood is different we are from all King of kings. He isn't just a vampire king. He also isn't wolf. Apparently only his family has had a line of succubus ,until us."" I said fast.
""Wow!""she said shocked.
""But we got to try escaping."" I said.
"So am I ever gonna get food around here?" I said trying to get Dagon's attention.
"Patience, I was fixing it." He said.
As soon as he opened the cell door I ripped my chains off the bed. That took a-lot i was still a little weak. 
As soon as I did he threw the plate and grabbed something from his back. Then he quickly hit me with it. When I felt my flesh rip I knew what it was.
"Jasper was dumb, but he did have good weapons." He said as he hits me till I passed out.

Alavr's pov...
    The potion is ready ,finally !  Me and Luca have been sticking together. We mostly stayed at our pack house, but we were going to Marco's today. We woke up little late. So we rushed over to the castle. We got through the doors and to the living room. We sat talking for a bit about the next move. The all of the sudden Luca and I screamed out in pain and passed out.

Few days later...  still Alvar pov
                      When we came to we were in the hospital. As soon as we both sat up Marco came running in.
"What happened?" He asked quickly.
"It felt like she was being whipped, just like last time.  Except this time it felt stronger." I said.
"Alice is working on the spell. You both have been out for a few days. Rest up and we will see how far she can get with the spell." He said leaving the room.

Stella's pov...
When I came to I noticed that I wasn't on the bed. I was chained up on the floor with a small blanket under me. I was only wearing a bra and some underwear. I got up quick, the chains rattled.
"So you are up." I heard Dagon's voice from out of view.
I said nothing. He definitely was way smarter than Jasper, stronger too. I looked down and seen some of my flesh hasn't held yet.
"That was a dumb thing I did,"Dagon said coming into view.
"I shouldn't let the wolfsbane wear off." He said opening the cell.
"But I won't make that mistake," he said locking us in the cell.
He came over to me and bent down. Then took out a needle. Then injected me with it. I felt the wolfsbane through my veins. It burned.
"This time I wanted to make sure you stayed awake." He said tracing his fingers on my body.
I pushed him off with what little strength I had.
Then he hit me hard. I fell to the floor.

Arthur's note.
Just another warning. The next part has sexual violence. Please Skip to the next chapter if you need..

"Its time you learned your place." He said turning me on my back.
"You are my play thing. I can touch you as I please." He said ripping off my underwear.
He got up leaving me there for a few minutes. Then he came back with long chains. He locked one side to the cell then the other to my feet. There was just enough chain for my legs to bend a little.
"Don't need you kicking me" he said bending back down to me.
"I am going to enjoy this. As I here you only have been with your mate. Time to change that." He said as ke kissed my neck.
I tried moving my neck, but he grabbed me with his hand.
"I am gonna go slow we have plenty of time." He said then bit me like his life depended on it.
Then he let go. Then he started to drag his tongue down. Then next thing I feel his tongue inside me. After what seemed like forever he stopped and then turned me to my stomach. The chains wrapped around my wrist. He lifted me up a little then started sliding inside me. He continued that for hours. I tried staying as quiet as I could, but it was hard to. He was being too rough. He would hit me on my butt hard every once in a while. It made me scream in pain. After he was finished he just left me laying there. I was naked and now waning to die. I only wanted the twins.  Why didn't I try harder to escape? I forced myself to sleep. I didn't feel like being awake at this moment. But sleep couldn't make it better.

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