Chapter 24

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Stella pov..
"Wake up!" I herd Katharina said.
My body jolted up. I didn't sit up willingly. She must have succeeded with the spell. SHIT!
"You have been out for days,eat. Don't want you to starve." She said.
I ate it as soon as she told me.
"A spell may make my body to obey you, but never my mouth." I said as I ate.
"That will be ok your new mate will love it." She said smiling.
"I have my mates. I don't want nor need another." I said with a growl.
"You won't have a choice darling." She grinned.
"And your succubus powers won't work on him by the way,"She said.
"I know Eliza has left you notes. But even she couldn't predict that there will be another kinda like you." She said, taking my plate as I finished.
"Your new mate is like you, but he isn't all royal blood. He isn't a wolf either. He is vampire,and a witch.Only his vampire is royal blood, not from the same royal blood as you. Your royal blood is from the King of kings line." She said.
"I the daughter of the Queen of witch. Your mother is the daughter of the King of vampires. Then theres your father the Alpha King. Your blood is the most powerful." She said. 
"He is also a incubus, the male version of a succubus. You may be more powerful than him, but you can't kill him. In his family there is a succubus or incubus born every 1,000 years. Only his family had them until you came along. He knows how to use it better."She said changing that subject.
"Jasper was weak and a idiot built on revenge. Dagon is smarter and stronger. I couldn't have you healing yourself. So when I found Dagon I had to win him over. Didn't take much he's a-lot like me. He's the child I should have had." She said.
Then she handed me a small dress. It was blood red, had straps, and was a v-neck.
"Put that on. Want you to be nice when you meet him." She said, as she handed me a pair of red wedges.
"Put these on then we will head upstairs. Since you have to obey me, you will be treated as the royalty you are. I am horrible, but royalty on my side matters. You will still be addressed as princess here. Never let people below you feel like your equal. Maybe we will bond eventually." She said, as I finished putting on my shoes.
"I will never love you." I said.
"We have a long time to fix that." She said.
"Now we are going upstairs and you will be assigned your room." She said as, she motioned me to go up the stairs.
We walked up the stairs and came out to what looked like a living room. It was as big as the one at the castle. Then there was a twisted staircase. It was in the middle of the hall outside the living room. It led up all the way. There were 3 floors, we went to the 2nd.
"This will be your room," she said.
"Dagon may or may not stay here with you. It is his choice to care for you as he pleases." She said.
"You can only be in this room. Unless Dagon or myself are with you. I will lock the door after I leave you in here. Only myself and Dagon have a key." She continued.
"Ok now lets head back to the living room. Dagon is waiting." She said smiling.
Then we headed downstairs. I hated being forced to obey. I don't know whats worse being forced to obey, or being aware that its forced. Part of me though it be better, if she could make me believe this is what I want. When we got to the end of the stairs I see Dagon. He was the only one in the living room. As I got closer I noticed he had very large muscles. He was tall and tan. He had brown eyes, and a scar across his eye. His hair was cut medium length and was light blonde. As I stepped in the living room he came you to me.
"I have herd you were beautiful, just didn't believe." He said ,as he glided his hands around my curves.
I jerked away.
"You are to obey everything Dagon says," Katharina said.
"I will be leaving her with you, I have things to tend to. Make sure she is still able to attend her coronation tomorrow." Katharina said.
"What coronation?" I asked.
"We have to make you an official princess here. Just because you have a wolf coronation, doesn't mean it transfers here. No matter if you are of royal blood or not." She said as she left the room.
I turned to Dagon not knowing what he would do.
"First we are gonna shower you. You stink of wolf." He said as he walked me up the stairs.
We got to my room, he opened the door as I went in.
When I stepped in the room he went to the closet, and grabbed some women's clothes. He said the clothes on the bed, and went back in the closet. I went towards the other door in the room. I assumed it to be the bathroom. He stopped me.
"I will open your doors." He said, as he threw some cloths for him on the bed.
That made my bones go cold. It reminded me of the twins. I missed them so much.  He opened the bathroom door and we both went inside. As I started to take his cloths off he grabbed my hand.

Arthur's note:
Next scene contains sexual violence. Skip to the next chapter if you need. No more important information past this point.

"When in the bathroom I will undress and shower you." He said ,as he slowly removed one of my straps off of my shoulder.
Then he bit the side of my neck hard. He was tasting my blood. I tried resisting , but I couldn't move.
He stopped then ran his hands all the way down my body to my feet. Then he took off my shoes and stood up. He removed the other strap that was holding the dress up. My dress then fell to the floor leaving me naked. I didn't have on bra nor underwear,because I was given none. He then led me to the shower. It looked like mine in my dad place. He turned on the water it was really warm. He then put some soap on his hands and started rubbing my body. He started with my neck then went down to my boobs. He stopped and caressed them both, and he moaned silently. Then he rubbed his hands back to my back. This made us very close. Our naked bodies were touching as he rubbed soap on my back. When he was done he pushed me on the wall.
"One day you will want me like I do you. Those wolf twins were lucky to have you. Now you are mine to do with as I please. We may have to wait till next month to actually be mated,but that doesn't mean I can't have fun." He said.
As he finished his sentence he grabbed my butt and pulled me up to him. His naked body grazing mine. Then kissed me hard. His tongue moving around mine. When he was done feeling on me he led me back to the room. I hate that he was touching me, but at least he didn't forse me to have sex with him. He then out the cloths on me and pushed me on the bed.
"Goodnight, I will be here went you wake in the morning. I will be helping you get ready for tonight." He said as he laid beside me.
I laid down and turned over, silently crying to myself. I cried for what seemed like hours before I fell asleep.

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