Chapter 22

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    "Wake up sweetheart!" Alice voice screamed,as she opened the curtains.
"Mom! Shut the curtains!" I fussed.
"Ok ok,but you have to get up we have lots to plan. You have a habit of sleeping late. Your mates don't have the palla to wake you." She said.
I laughed at my mother saying balls, I am definitely her daughter. I got up and went to put some clothes on.
"How do I plan something like this?" I asked as we walked out my room.
"Don't worry. Actually Your father and I were wondering if you would let me plan it. Then you and him go hunting." She said as we walked down the stairs.
"Yes please! I prefer hunting to planning things," I laughed.
"Wonderful!" Marco said interrupting us.
" There are somethings I want to show you." He said.
"Lead the way." I said.
He lead me out the back of the house, and into the woods. We shifted then ran to where the trees are the tallest in the wolf woods. When we reached it we stopped.
""Before we do anything else, my name is Rek," said my dad.
""We wanted you out here to show you a few things. Only King Alpha's can do. You can only do them if your of true King Alpha blood. Witch we are."" He said.
""Nobody has been able to take over the thrown from our blood line."" He continued.
""King Alpha's can control how big there wolf is. We are also the strongest, and fastest."" He said, as he looked at me.
""We also are connected to the woods."" He said as he rubbed his paw in the ground.
Then vines begin to fly up. He grabbed onto one with his paw. He held onto it ,and then it lifted him to the top of the trees. All the sudden a vine wrapped around me and pulled me to the top. When I got to the top I admired the beauty. You could barely tell there were houses on the ground. The trees seem to cover most of the top. You could see some empty spots, but not a lot. We were up there a while. He told me a lot of stories of old ancestors. As it got dark he helped me down, and we went to the castle. When we got inside mom was crying ,and hugging Alvar and Luca.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"Nothing," Luca and Alvar said laughing.
"Lets go upstairs, you need sleep for tomorrow. Have to be up earlier than noon." Alvar said.
Then him and Luca led me upstairs. When we got upstairs Luca spoke.
"You know when a persons mate is welcomed to the pack, its Earth's version of a wedding."
"Your mom said you probably didn't know that."Alvar said as we entered the room.
I stopped before I sat on the bed. Wedding?!? I am gonna be married?
"Are you ok?" Luca asked.
"Yes, I just thought I would never marry. But I would love to spend eternity with you." I said looking at them.
They smiled and each kissed me. We all took a shower. I never have to do anything in the shower. They both wash me and my hair. Its kind of nice.  We all laid down and fell asleep fast.

The next day...
"Time to get up,"I herd my mother say.
"I am up," I groaned. I didn't want her to open the curtains again.
"Lets get you ready. You won't see the twins till your ceremony tonight." She said. 
"First I will tell you the duties of a luna. Then we will get you dressed. After that ,each member of Shadow will and swear loyalty to you." She continued, as I put on some clothes.
"We will head to the dressing room for your measurements. We have to fix your dress for you body. Twins knew that it would've been altered,when they gave it to you don't worry." Alice said as we left the room.
"Where is the dressing room? You never showed me." I said.
"Oh it is the meeting room just changed around," she said laughing.
We went downstairs to the meeting room. Rosi and Emilia were there by some steps in the middle of the room. There were mirrors all around half the steps. Hanging on the mirror was my dress.
"Step on the steps this will take about a hour." Alice said.
"While we get you measured ,and your dress fixed, I will explain your duties." Alice said.
I stepped on the steps and they started to measure.
"Now I will explain what you will have to do now." She said.
"Definitely won't be sleeping late now." She laughed.
"First when the hunters go out anywhere you go with. Only time you don't are ,when they are hunting just for themselves. You will attend all the meetings from now on. You will help tend to your packs wounds. That means after then come home from the doctor, you will be their home nurse. We have special wolf doctors. Not like the hospital on Earth, but close." As she finished the girls were done measuring.
"We need you to put in the dress,princess." Rosi said.
I put it on and they started hemming the dress. My mom continued speaking after that.
"You can give orders, but you don't over ride the Alpha. Since you are our daughter you will be Alpha of this pack eventually. Only the next heir of the King Alpha can be Alpha. No matter if you are in another pack or not. Our packs will merge on that day. That's only happened one time before. Its rare that packs merge, it only happened with our pack though. For this reason actually. And the last thing you are responsible for the prisoners. That means you are the one that gets information out of them. You make sure they eat if they are staying a while. You are the one that decides if they live, or die." She said. When she finished that Emilia spoke.
"A Luna ceremony is kinda like a Alpha ceremony. Except its only your pack and your mates. You will be announced when you enter the room. You will be last to enter." Alice said.
"We are done , your Majesty."
"Okay, now to do your hair. We are curling you hair. You have a-lot so this will take a while. After this we will go to the ballroom." She said.
After a hour she was done. It was time to go to the ball room, I was nervous.

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