Chapter 11

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       We were about 20 minutes from Alvar's house so he woke me up.
" I have to tell you something..." Alvar said pausing for a second.
" A girl I have messed around with is in my pack." He said.
I let a deep growl out.
" Please don't kill her. If she provokes you I know I can't stop you. You can only harm her if she provokes you though. If you just kill her, your father, or I will have to punish you. It is a law. You cannot kill another wolf unless provoked. Rouges don't count there not really wolves anymore." He said as we pulled up to the gate in front.
" When we go in, I will show you to my room. I will have to take care of a few things before we go to sleep. You can meet everyone tomorrow."Alvar said as he opened his door.
I went to open mine, but before I could Alvar did it for me.
" You will never open your own doors with me around. So don't try."He said in a deep stern voice.
" Yes sir," I said in a flirty voice, as I got out the car.
He walked me to the door, with his hand on the middle of my back. We got to the door and he opened it. When he opened it, a girl was standing there. She was mid-height, pale, had short black hair, and brown eyes.
" Serena, I told everyone they had to wait till tomorrow to see her. What makes you think you don't count?" Alvar said in a deep voice.
" I thought you would want me to set her up in a room. Hey, I am Serena Leanne Toilino," she said, turning her head to me.
"She will be sleeping in my room," Alvar said.
" You need to learn you place. When I say something, it goes to everyone!" Alvar said in a commanding voice.
" Oh come on i am not everyone," She said, as she touched Alvar's arm.
I growled and grabbed her arm.
" Touch him again, and you will lose your hand."I said, as I threw her hand off.
" You are out of place ,leave!" Alvar said in a commanding voice.
" I am sorry," Alvar said as he lead me up the staircase.
The staircase was in the middle of the room. There was a hall to the left and to the right.
" I am guessing that is the girl you were talking about." I said.
" Yes.. she think she's special, because I messed with her the longest." He said ,with a sad voice.
I felt like flames shot through my veins.
" Are you ok?" Alvar said
That is when I look down, and noticed my veins were showing, and they were all bright red.
" I am fine, but when you said that, I felt fire in my veins. I guess my body made it look like that too." I said.
Alvar said nothing, we just walked to the double doors. It was at the end of the hall to the left. He open the doors. The room had black wood floors, and dark red wallpaper. The bed was King size, and the headboard was filled with skulls with horns. The sheets are black silk, and the comforter was a big black animal fur blanket.
"You can grab some of my clothes from the closet, the shower is over there." He said, pointing to a door by the right of the bed, as he opened the closet door.
He opened the to the bathroom.
" Here, in case you wanna shower.  I have to go do a few things. I will be back later." Alvar said as he kissed my forehead. Then he left the room.
    I went to the closet and grabbed a white button up long sleeve shirt. Then I went to take a shower. It was a simple bathroom. A medium-size shower, and a simple sink and mirror. I quickly took a shower. As I got out of the shower and realized I didn't bring any underwear or a bra. I got nervous, because I didn't want to be completely naked under the shirt. Just then there was a knock on the door.
I quickly put on the shirt.
" Yes?" I said.
" Its me, princess," I herd Nico's voice say.
" Enter," I said.
He opened the door. He had a small bag in his hand.
"I had these sent here for you. It is not a lot. Alpha said that ,if you wanna stay more that 4 days you have to go check in at home. he is short tempered. You are the first to disobey him. It is kind of funny if I may say so." Nico said , as he handed me the bag.
" Thank you Nico. I didn't realize I didn't bring anything." I said smiling.
"Someone has to keep him on his toes," I smiled "Goodnight," I said.
" Goodnight princess," Nico said shutting the door.
I looked in the bag and got out a bra, a pair of red lace underwear. I have a feeling my mom packed this.It had some silk pajamas in it, but I liked his shirt. I put them on then put the bag in the closet. It was by the bedroom door. Then I got in bed. I laid there for a few hours. I couldn't get comfortable. I decided to get up and look for Alvar. I got up and went down the hall. As I got to the staircase and I saw Alvar coming up.
" Where do you think you're going, dress like that?" He said in a commanding voice.
" I was coming to find you. I couldn't sleep." I said.
" I told you I open your doors," he said with a stern look.   I just smiled, didn't realize how serious he is about doors.
" Let's get you back to the room. Only I get to see you in my shirts." He said as he picked me up, and threw me over his shoulders. I giggled as he walked to his bedroom door. When he got by the door, he sat me down gently.
He opened the door and said.
" Let me shower then I will join you in bed." He said admiring my body.
I got in bed . I laid down with my head looking at the bathroom door. I was so ready to finally get more time with him. We keep getting interrupted. It's hard to believe that a guy like him just starts to care for me. We don't know each other very well, but even I care for him a lot. I can't wait to see what awaits us.
As I finished that thought Alvar came out of the bathroom. He was only wrapped in a towel. He was still a little wet. He went to the closet. I set up and watched him. His back still has faded Scar marks. I wonder why he had those. He came out of the closet in a pair of black boxers. Then got under the covers with me.
" Can I ask you a question?" I said.
" Of course," Alvar answered.
" Why do you have those scars on you back?" I asked in a shy voice.
" Well... when you become alpha the King whips you. He does it two times, per how many pack members in your pack. The end has a sharp silver tip. If you can't stay conscious, you are not ready to be Alpha. If you can, you are ready. It takes a while to heal." He said.
" Does it hurt?" I asked.
" Yes, but not much." He said.
He looked at me.
" Don't worry, I am fine." He said as he went to kiss my head. I moved to where his lips crashed into mine. He grabbed my waist and pulled me on top of him. Then I slipped my tongue in his mouth. His hands grabbed my way harder. Then I started to take Chi from him. I quickly stopped.
" Yes, maybe we should wait. Just incase I lose control. I almost killed Jasper. If my chains didn't come out if the wall, I would have. I don't wanna lose control with you." I said.
"It felt like ecstasy to me. Makes me jealous that Jasper felt that." Alvar whispered in my ear.
" How is it that we barely know each other, yet you have cared for me since you found me." I said.
"After what my mother went through. I promised myself that I would always protect my mate. I would do anything for you. I spent a long time thinking I didn't have a mate. I looked for years after I was 18. That is the age you are able to find your mate. I looked everywhere and never found you. So I started messing around with girls. Every time it would come to actually having sex. I couldn't go through with it, they weren't enough. They never could satisfy me enough to actually have sex. I thought I was going to be alone. When I met you ,and found out who you were, it made sense why I couldn't find you." He said moving a piece of hair from my face.
" What happened to your mom?" I asked.
"We need to sleep," he said, ignoring my question. I cuddled on his chest and put my leg on his. Not long after we were asleep.

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