Chapter 6

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As Alvar walked me out the door he spoke.
" What has your father told you about mates?"
" Not very much, just that my heart will hurt when you are not around, unless you mark me. We will have the same tattoo at some point. We can't be forced apart," I answered.
" Well there is a few things we can talk about later. But the main thing is a mate can reject their mate. I won't depending on the answer you give me, to my next question." He in a agitated voice.
I don't know why, but I didn't want him to reject me. Ani seemed very fond of him. The word rejection made her whimper.
" Don't whimper please. I just wanna know if you have been with anyone." He said.
I could feel my face getting hot. I was a virgin. I never even kissed anyone. I didn't really loke anyone there anyway.
" No I haven't... I am actually a virgin. I have never even kissed anyone if i am honest. Nobody ever caught my attention. Have you?" I asked nervously.
" Can I carry you to the woods? If you are uncomfortable with that its ok. I just wanna be close to you." He said.
I didn't notice we were at the front door.
" Yes.. As long as you answer my question." I said. Then he picked me up,and went out the door.
" Well I will be honest, I have made out with a few. I never had sex with any of them. No matter what they tell people. I haven't messed with anyone for a few years now. Women started to annoy me," he said.
" So even if you have messed around with girls, you were gonna reject me if i had messed with boy's? That doesn't seem fair." I said.
" It's not, but I want to be the only one you have experienced." Alvar whispered in my ear.
" I will kill all that you have messed with. Hope that doesn't get annoying." Ani blurted out smiling. I didn't even feel her surface this time.
" You could never annoy me. You have a certain attitude that I am liking. You can't just kill girls I have been with though." He said with a smile.
" What is your name beautiful?" He continued with a growl. His eyes changed to red.
Ani jumped out his arms. She noticed we were at the wood line.
" Anima," she giggled.
" Silas," he said, kissing our hand. Then he shifted into his wolf form. Ani switched to hers after.
"" I've never hunted anything, but animals""Ani said.
"" Vampires or rogues whatever comes first, we don't kill animals here,""Silas answered.
""What is a rouge?""Ani asked.
""A wolf that only lives to kill other wolfs. They smell horrid, but taste good. Not a-lot is know really.""Silas said.
     We ran for hours. We got a few rouges. When Ani killed her fangs extended longer to kill. She could feel Silas staring. After the 3rd kill we ran by some water then I shifted back, unwillingly might I add.
Silas must have noticed I wasn't behind him. He turned around as quickly as i stopped. He came up to me in his wolf form. He let out a soft growl and shifted back.
" You really are breathtaking," Alvar said.
I didn't know what to say. I was nervous, and naked again. Why did I have to be naked now? He came close to where our body's were almost touching. He grabbed my waist with both hands. My heart started to race. I have never kissed anyone. I don't wanna be bad at it. I barley know him, but my body feels like it has known him forever. Then he leaned into kiss me. I could feel my face was red. I turned my head. I gave him a playful look then ran. I knew he would chase me. He finally caught me before we got to the castle gates.
" Do you not wanna kiss me?" Alvar asked.
" I want yo get to know you better," I said back. I wasn't gonna tell him I was afraid I was bad at kissing.
" That's fair. I know you been through a lot." He answered. I opened the gate and we walked quietly to the door, holding hands all the way.
We got to the door you could here my parents arguing. He opened the door to Alice and Marco by the stairs. They got quiet when they saw me.
" Something the matter?" I asked.
" You were gone longer than expected. I started to worry," said Marco, staring down Alvar.
" I told you I wouldn't hurt her," Alvar growled.
" I still don't trust that you are not like you father," Marco growled louder.
" I would never hurt my mate no matter what!" Alvar said angrily. I started to feel like I was missing something.
" I don't want you as my daughter's mate," Marco said firmly.
" You don't get to choose for her!" Alvar screamed.
" I am right here you know," I said rolling my eyes. Then Marco grabbed me and pulled me to him.
" I don't want you to see him," Marco said.
" I will do what I want thank you," I said snatching my arm from him.
"You are not allowed to keep my mat from me!" Alvar said angrily.
" He is right Marco. You need to give him a chance," Alice said.
" No I can't trust him. He is just like his father," Marco said. Then he pushed Alvar to the wall.
" STOP!" I screamed.
" You can't control me. I control myself. I will be with who I want. You left me alone on another planet!" I said , then I ran out the door.
     I shifted then ran faster. I was so mad I didn't realize how fast I ran. I couldn't see the castle. How did I run so fast? Did I run or did it just feel like it?  I looked around I didn't recognize the woods I was in. The trees were different the bark was grey and the leaves were orange. Then I heard a twig break. As I went to run, I was surrounded by 5 figures in dark black robes. I couldn't see any faces or smell anything. As I started to black out I herd a women's voice.
" Take her to the big Cabin, it is the princess after all,"
That was the last thing I remember.

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