devilish descent into madness.

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Tw: past abu$£

Dream was extremely happy with Tommy, being able to stand up to Tubbo, he's really doing a good job on his T̶o̶y̶ brother. Dream smiles as Tommy walked upstairs with his art supplies and didn't come down until the next day.

There was a loud bang from the door as Tommy woke and opened the door and walked downstairs "Dream?" Tommy whispered trying to not wake up anyone in the house, but as he got closer he realised, those footsteps weren't Dreams, he grabbed a metal rod from Sapnaps work room and he listened...

'Dad' Tommys eyes widened and he gripped the rod more "Tommy!" Yeah... Tommy knew that voice but why was he here? Tommy stepped into philza's view "Oh thank god you're alive!" He started to walk towards Tommy, he swung the rod at his legs "FUCK!" Philza yelled "Tommy! What is wrong with you!" Phil yelled grabbing Tommy.

As Tommy stared into his eyes his chest started to tighten and he tried to call for Dream but all that came out was a pathetic whine, Tommy started crying as Phil dragged him away "Come on. Let's go home!" He yelled, Tommy felt his heart sink as he successfully pulled away and Called for Dream.

Dream opened to the door and looked down at Tommy "It's the middle of the night Tom. What do you want?" Tommy grabbed him and started to blabber "it's him! He's coming to get me! I DON'T WANNA GO BACK!" He sobbed, Dream rubbed his back "He's not here I promise... go back to bed Tommy..." he said as Tommy sobbed into Dreams arm.

Dream grabbed Tommy and picked him up and carried him to bed, tucking him back in "night Tommy.." Dream said and Tommy muttered a goodnight. Tommy could swear he saw Phil coming to get him... he was going insane... Tommy covered his ears and fell asleep.

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