Thats why.

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Dream sighed walking over to a table opening the drawer "you wanna know so badly?" He asked and Tommy nodded and Dream looked back at the younger boy in the cage "because...." He gulped down his nerves "because you are my son." Tommy looked up "what!?" He said standing up again "no you are a lier! Philza is my dad! He raised me." Tommy said in his mind saying facts but Dream shook his head "Tommy... I gave you to Phil when I realised that I couldn't take care of you." Dream grabbed a photo and walked over to the cage "It was hard but it was what I had to do to make sure you had a good childhood." Tears pricked at Dreams eyes as he handed the photo to Tommy.

Tommy grabbed the photo and saw a younger looking dream holding a baby, it was clearly taken without consent because dream wasn't looking at the camera and was sat on the floor crying and it doesn't look as if it was from happiness, Tommy sighs "why? Why'd you leave me then?" He asked and Dream gulped "Because I couldn't take care of a child, I had no clue what I was doing, I was scared and I didn't want to make a fucked up kid..." They made eye contact and tommy spoke up "but you hurt me, killed me, you expect me to believe you didn't wanna hurt me?" He asked and Dream shook his head "no. I know that was bad but I didn't want you to know I was your dad but i still wanted a relationship with you...." Dream said and Tommy put his head in his hands "you could've told me!" He yelled at Dream "NO! I really couldn't!" Dream yelled right back at Tommy "Philza wouldn't let me." Dream said looking at tommy

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