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The quiet sobs of fear and dismay shook out of Taehyung’s chest as he sat on the edge of the bathtub, his head lowered and resting against his arms, holding out the positive pregnancy test as he cried. He felt like he was violently taken out of a happy dream and slammed back into reality with harsh consequences to his deep slumber. He felt suffocated. He felt like the world came crashing down on him all of a sudden, knocking the happiness out of him.

It wasn’t supposed to happen. He was not supposed to get pregnant. They used protection, and they made sure they were always protected, but Taehyung got to be one of those unlucky people that the protection didn’t work for them. He had to be doomed for the rest of his life for such a mistake. He couldn’t help the loud broken sobs that started coming out of him as his body shook with despair.

He didn’t know what to do. Tell Jungkook? He can’t. He knew that Jungkook hated kids, and he knew that he had never planned on having kids ever. Then how would he react? Taehyung was scared to death. The last thing he ever wanted to do was bring an unwanted child to this world where its parents don’t love it.

Before Taehyung could let his thoughts wander anymore, the bathroom door opened slowly, a head peeking in with a worried frown etched on his face. Jungkook’s eyes widened once he realised the state Taehyung was in, rushing to his side immediately.

“Baby..what’s wrong?” He asked worriedly, his hands swiftly reaching over to cup his face, raising his face and trying to meet his eyes that Taehyung kept averting away.

“Baby, tell me what’s wrong, please. Why are you crying, hm? What happened, love?”

Jungkook was too busy trying to comfort Taehyung that he didn’t notice he was holding out the pregnancy test and as Jungkook’s eyes searched around the room for a clue, he noticed what Taehyung was clutching tightly with both of his hands.

Confused, he reached for the test and took it out of Taehyung’s grasp to take a good look at it.


The silence was too loud. Defeaning.

It slowly suffocated the omega before he looked up to see the person to whom that child belonged. He looked up, and his heart immediately shattered in his chest when he saw the look of disdain and scorn Jungkook was giving the test.

His hand fell from the omega’s face as he pulled his whole body away, standing up on his two feet as he kept his eyes glued to the stick he held in his hands and walked out of the bathroom. Taehyung’s tears welled up again in his eyes as he hesitantly got up and followed behind as they both walked into their living room. One of them paced back and forth deep in thought and an obvious frown etched onto his face while the other one followed him like a lost puppy, calling out his name.


He called out, voice broken and silent tears running down his face, making Jungkook stop in his tracks, taking deep breaths in.

“Abort it.”


Taehyung’s heart stopped for a second, his eyes widening as he looked at his boyfriend in disbelief.

“We can’t do this. I can’t do this. Abort it.”

The alpha’s voice sounded more stern, not anything like the soft voice he used when he was checking up on his crying omega. It made the omega’s heart constrict painfully in his chest.

“Are you telling me to kill our pup?”

“Don’t call it that!”

Jungkook finally turned to look at him, his own eyes tearing up but never enough to let the tears fall. He clenched his jaw as he took another breath to calm down.

“We’re not - we’re not killing it. It’s not a baby yet. It’s not anything. It’s just a fetus. We can still get rid of it, Tae. Please. I can’t do this.”

“Jungkook, I can’t. I can’t abort it.”

Taehyung argued, his eyes red from crying, but his tears wouldn’t stop running down his cheeks as he let himself sit on the couch, folding over as he cried into his hands. Jungkook closed his eyes, letting his tears finally fall before walking over to the omega and kneeling in front of him, reaching out to hold his arms.

“Tae, you know that I don’t like kids. They’re loud, expensive, and stressful. Kids are a huge responsibility that we are not ready for. I can’t- I refuse to take on this responsibility so early, especially if I didn’t want it in the first place. I’m begging you.”

Jungkook pleaded, his eyes filled with tears as he looked up at his omega desperately who finally took his head out of his hands to look at the alpha with hurt written all over his face as he shook his head in denial, leaning in closer into his boyfriend’s arms for comfort.

“How can we do this, Tae? I’m just a chef that barely makes enough for the both of us, your job at your boutique helps us manage a little more comfortably but that’s it, we make enough for only the both of us, we can’t afford to have a child. Please think this through. You have to abort this pregnancy as soon as possible.”

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