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Taehyung walks into the house— humming a tone before his eyes settle on Jungkook sitting on the couch watching anime.

Taehyung walks past him and into the kitchen— opening the fridge and pulling out a bottle of water.

"You smell like you drowned in a pool of fruit juice."

Taehyung stops, his arms freezing in mid air with the bottle still in his hands.

He side eyes the alpha before turning the cap and resting the bottle against his lips— drinking some water.

Jungkook isn't looking at him, his attention is fully on the anime, haikyuu, playing.

"Thank you for helping me sleep."
Taehyung acknowledges instead, his tone soft.

Jungkook pulls his lower lip between his teeth, chewing on his lip piercing for a moment before nodding— eyes still on TV.

"It was nothing."

Right, it was nothing.

Taehyung stays silent— taking slow steps towards the couch to watch the anime as well.

A moment passes before the alpha shift uncomfortably, breaking the silence.

"Why do you smell like that?"

"Like what?"

Taehyung chooses to act dumb.

"Like fruits and flowers, it's very strong and it isn't yours."

Taehyung stays silent for a moment, debating whether to tell the man the truth or not. He doesn’t know how Jungkook would take it.

But on second thought, Taehyung decides that he should not be worrying— Jungkook and himself are no longer together. It is fine.

"Park Seojoon came into the boutique today, I took his measurements for a suit. Probably why you can smell him on me."

Jungkook frowns, taking his eyes off the TV and turns to look at the omega.


"Park Seojoon, the model."

The frown deepens.

"Why is his scent all over you?"

" I just told you, I was taking his measurements."

"It smells like he rubbed himself on you instead."

Jungkook looks pissed. It only frustrates Taehyung further.

"You're insufferable."

Taehyung rolls his eyes, pulling himself away from the couch.

"Why would a model walk into the boutique for a suit? I thought they go to popular designers and brands."

"I don't know. I'm not his secretary. It is good for our boutique so I don't care about anything else."

Jungkook feels uneasy. He knows who Park Seojoon is and what he means to Taehyung— it is his celebrity crush.

It is silly, but he can't stand it. The scent on Taehyung.

Taehyung does not belong tk him anymore and the fact that another alpha stood so close to him to leave his scent lingering on him like that is sickening.

He hated the ugly feeling rising in his chest. He balls his hands into fists, clenching his jaw.

"If you stand a minute longer smelling like that, I might throw up."

He spits out, his lips curling into a grimace.

Taehyung grits his teeth in frustration— looking at Jungkook’s side profile and thinking to himself that he deserves another slap.

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