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Taehyung lowers his head, hiding his smile as Jungkook runs around with Minggyu propped up on his shoulders, his loud giggles echoing through their house as he uses Jungkook as his horse. The alpha has been doing it for a couple of hours now because Minggyu started to miss his parents. If he is not distracted, he cries.

Taehyung chuckles when the toddler accidentally smacks the alpha in the face, causing a surprised noise to escape the alpha’s throat but he says nothing about it— accepting his fate. The omega took the day off work today as he woke up with pain in his legs and swollen feet. He decided to rest and let Yeonjun add the final touches to the suit Seojoon is meant to pick up tomorrow.

As he watches the mess unfold before him, he remembers Jungkook sleeping cuddled up with the small boy. His heart swells with an indescribable feeling. He never imagined Jungkook with kids as he never touched them and never once showed any type of likeness towards any of them. Minggyu was never an exception either. He simply didn’t like kids and stayed away from them, but as he watches Jungkook interact with Minggyu now, he can’t help but picture Minggyu as their own pup instead. How amazing it would be, to see Jungkook mess and laugh like that with their own unborn pup.

He swallows the lump that rises in his throat, a smile tugging at his lips when the toddler smacks the back of his hand onto Jungkook’s neck— having him fall back and pretend to be dead while the little boy celebrates his victory.

Jungkook would be such a great father, Taehyung sighs, only if he could see himself through the omega’s eyes. If he would just give himself a chance to see that he is nothing like his parents and his pup would never grow up to hate him. Taehyung is sure, he reaches and caresses his bump gently, his pup would love Jungkook so much. They would be inseparable. He knows because Taehyung himself loves Jungkook too much.

“Kookie hyung, TV!” He hears Minggyu demand. The alpha places the boy down on the couch and turns it on for him, putting his favourite show, Peppa Pig, for him.

He watches the alpha place both of his hands on his back and lean back, trying to stretch his back. He turns side to side, cracking his back and groaning a little before he notices Taehyung looking at him. He clears his throat, reaching to rub the back of his neck as he walks into the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge.

He steals glances at Taehyung’s feet, noticing how he keeps shifting from one foot to the other. They look swollen to him. He frowns.

“Do you not have work today, too?” Taehyung asks, his voice quiet as he grabs another plate and scrubs it.

“No, Yeji’s schedule is clear today too.” He replies simply, pulling out a big plastic bowl. He patiently waits for the omega to finish washing the dishes and when he turns the water off and dries his hand, walking towards where Minggyu is seated, Jungkook turns on the hot water and fills the plastic bowl.

Taehyung takes a seat beside the little boy who quickly throws himself into the omega’s arms, resting his head onto his belly. Taehyung giggles, wrapping his arms around the toddler as both of them watch the cartoon.

Jungkook turns off the water when the plastic bowl fills up and picks it up— walking towards the omega. He stops in front of him and rests the bowl down before his feet. Taehyung arches a questioning brow at him.

“Your feet.”

The alpha avoids eye contact as turns on his heels and takes a seat a little further away from the two of them— hiding from the omega who turns to look at the toddler, exchanging looks with him before he lets out a sigh and dips his feet into the now warm water.

Taehyung moans.

Jungkook’s cheeks reddened— flustered. He looks away, focusing his attention on his phone instead.

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