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“Jungkook..” Yeji whines, standing in her place and refusing to move.

Jungkook curses.

“Yejissi, please. You can’t be late to this shoot, I really do not wish to be fired!”

The alpha bites out, a frown etched onto his face. The omega pouts, looking up at him with round eyes. Jungkook groans.

Her manager that was supposed to be training him decided not to show up anymore, letting Jungkook handle things all on his own even though he barely has any idea what to do. As the alpha glares at her— he might have an idea as to why that manager ran for his life.

“I really do not want to go, please.” She pleads, taking hold of his wrist with both her hands— taking a step closer.

“No can do, Yejissi. I have a job to keep and I would assume that you do too.” He arches a brow at her, pulling his wrist out of her grip and motions to the door.

She stares at him for a few seconds, an unreadable expression on her face before sighing— walking past him and out of the door where a car awaits her.

The alpha rubs his face in frustration and follows behind her, climbing into the passenger seat while she sits in the back. She doesn’t look up or talk the whole ride, either focused on her phone or looking out the window.

Jungkook would try to make her feel better, but her acting like that gave him a little quiet time to rest his mind. Yeji was still a relatively small model, she got huge opportunities thanks to her father, but she is yet to prove herself and make a name of her own. The alpha is not surprised that she is that spoiled, she got her life on a silver plate. It was easy for her to whine and cry about not wanting to go along with her schedule but Jungkook had to make an extra effort just to keep his job in order to make sure that the person that is awaiting back home does not suffer too much.

He has to endure the tantrums that this omega throws just to make sure that the pregnant omega back at home can live a little more comfortably. He would complain about it, what he has to go through, but he does not. Each day passes like a slow motion clip as he does something he never imagined himself doing. Instead of in the kitchen, creating his own art with food that people would enjoy and send back praises and compliments with the waiters, he needs to suck it up and drag an omega that gives him a hard time around. He is sick of it.

There are always times he thinks to himself that he shouldn’t be doing this, he didn’t ask for this and he never wanted this, but his heart wavers the moment he goes home and sees Taehyung with those bags under his eyes, tired and exhausted. It wavers when the omega’s scent dulls from the exhaustion, knowing a well taken care of pregnant omega would smell way sweeter than normal. The more the baby grows, the sweeter the omega’s scent is. Taehyung on the other hand, his scent just keeps getting more dull.

He feels that faint ache in his chest again, a pain that makes his eyes sting. He swallows, blinking rapidly to ease the sting in his eyes and looks outside. The wind brushes through his hair as if caressing his face— an act of reassurance.

The car halts in front of the shooting location and the alpha doesn’t waste a second before he is getting out of the car and opening the door for Yeji who still doesn’t look at him and gets out of the car calmly, marching into the location.

I was wondering how the best case scenario is me being miserable for the rest of my life for I wouldn’t abandon a family I unconsciously created, but as I think of you now, I know why. I love you too much to let you suffer alone. I would do this any day just to ease the dullness your scent holds and to ease the pain that claws at your body.

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