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The omega, who is eight months pregnant, sits down, cuddled into Jungkook’s arms with a small smile playing on his lips.

One hand rests on his heavily pregnant belly while the other is cradled into the alpha’s hand, who decided to wrap a small flexible wire around his ring finger for fun.

When Taehyung asked about it, the alpha shrugged it off saying he just found the wire laying around.

Wrapping the wire around his finger was an innocent way of playing with his hand out of boredom, he says.

Taehyung lets out a breath, his lips widening into a smile.

"I can’t wait to see them, our baby little alphas."

Jungkook smiles at that.

"I still can't believe we're having two." The alpha inhales, calming his racing heart whenever he thinks about it.

"Neither can I. We made a small little family in one go." Taehyung laughs happily, his eyes staring at the crib he saved to buy for his baby.

"You'll be asleep in it soon." Taehyung whispers, rubbing a hand over his belly.

Jungkook leans in, capturing the omega’s lips in a slow kiss— lingering for a moment against those lips.

"We'll be okay, right?" Jungkook asks, failing miserably at hiding his anxiety.

The omega turns to him to cup his cheeks, leaning closer to press his lips to random parts of the alpha's face until they finally land on his lips.

"As long as you are with me, we will be okay, Koo." Taehyung reassures softly, brushing the latter’s hair back.

Their door rings suddenly, startling both of them. Jungkook gets up to get it, opening the door to Yoongi and Jimin standing in front of him.

"We need to go! C'mon!" Two months pregnant Jimin rushes inside, wrapping his arms around his best friend to help him stand up gently.

"Jimin, I told you not to run!" Yoongi scolds, earning a wave of the hand from Jimin.

"Hyung, care to elaborate? Why do we need to go?" Jungkook asks, confused.

Taehyung grumbles as he tries to shake the other omega off him.

"I'm too pregnant for this! Where are we going?!"

"Just trust me!" Jimin holds onto the omega tighter, leading him outside and into their car. Jungkook curses, pulling two random jackets and his keys before he gets pulled by Yoongi and shoved into the car as well, oblivious.

The car halts in front of a familiar building that brings unpleasant feelings rushing through the young alpha.

They stopped in front of the restaurant, which was Jungkook’s dream since he could remember.

The alpha inhales sharply, his eyes fixed on the restaurant.

All four of them climb out of the car, and Jungkook stands frozen, noticing that it is not up for sale anymore.

A ragged breath escaped his lips as he watched what he had dreamed of for so long, no longer within his reach. Taehyung steps closer, resting a hand on his shoulder.

"What are we doing here?" Taehyung asks, his voice showing a hint of annoyance. He hates seeing Jungkook look helpless. He hates when Jungkook looks defeated.

"This restaurant has been up for sale for a while, Jungkook couldn't buy it and had to give up on it." Yoongi narrates.

"Why are we here, hyung?" Jungkook turns to look at him, his jaw clencned.

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