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Jungkook wakes up early the next morning, tired. He carefully unwraps himself from around Taehyung and manages to successfully slip away after leaving a light kiss on the omega’s forehead. He picks out a dress shirt and dress pants suitable for another day at work then heads to the kitchen— cooking a quick breakfast for the sleeping man in his bed.

He flips the pancakes and puts them one by one on the plate. He cuts up some strawberries to decorate the plate with a smile on his face— knowing the elder loves strawberries.

He drizzles maple syrup on top and pours him fresh strawberry juice.

He smiles at the breakfast. He takes his apron off and changes into his clothes before he is walking back into his room.

The alpha walks closer to the sleeping man on his head, caressing his cheekbone gently with his finger.

"Wake up, pup. I made you breakfast."

When Taehyung doesn't move, he leans in and presses a light peck to the latter's nose. He moves a little to press a feather-like kiss on his eyelid.

The alpha smiles when the omega moves away from the kisses, his eyes slowly opening with a small smile growing on his lips.

"Hmm?" Taehyung murmurs sleepily.

"Your pancakes will turn soggy if you wait five more minutes, darling."

Taehyung visibly perks up at that, his eyes growing big as he peeks at the alpha from the pillows he buried his face in.

Jungkook knows exactly what to say to get him to get up.

"Yes. Pancakes and strawberries."

"Well, you should've just said that!" He sits up straight immediately, pushing the covers off of him. He halts when he sees the alpha fully dressed.

"Are you not going to eat with me?"

"No, I have to go to work now." Jungkook replies softly, looking at the omega with a gentle gaze, his hands resting on his body and littering it with the softest touches.

Taehyung felt his body tingle all over.

He doesn't want Jungkook to go, he doesn’t want it to end.

It feels too good to be true.

He fears that if the alpha leaves, so do whatever this is. This reality, or this allusion. He fears it'll all go away and he'll be left all alone, all over again.

A pout forms on his lips unconsciously.

"I hate it so much, you know?"

The ravennette's smile dims a little.

"What do you mean?"

"You preparing my food and leaving. I-" his throat bobs, "I ate it, you know? The food you kept preparing and leaving for me to eat."

"Was it not good?"

"Of course it was good, you're the best chef." Taehyung smiles.

"Then what's wrong, love?" The alpha breathes out in confusion, inching closer to take the brunette's hands in his own.

"I hate eating alone. Your scent is everywhere, the food you prepared yourself but you're nowhere to be found around me. It just feels...lonely."

Jungkook’s eyes soften with adoration, cupping the omega's cheek and gently caressing the skin.

"You do not need to worry about being lonely. Taehyung," Jungkook calls softly, causing the brunette to look him in the eyes.

"I'll be here from now on. With you, through this. I will." The alpha reassures. The brunette lowers his eyes, and squeezes them shut as he tightens his hold on the ravenette's hand.

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