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Yeji’s frown turns into a smile once she catches a glimpse of the alpha from her window, rushing to the front door. He stumbles over the concrete and lets out a curse before adjusting himself. He rings the doorbell.

Jihyo opens the door and greets the other alpha with a roll of her eyes, leaving the door open for Jungkook to step in and close the door behind him. Yeji rushes to his side.


She stops when she gets a whiff of the alpha’s scent.

“Yejissi.” Jungkook bows a little, “I’m sorry, I had something urgent.”

She clenches her jaw. She watches the alpha turn to Jihyo to mention where they need to be in a few hours, the other alpha lets out a sigh and nods, giving him an estimation of how much they need to get the model ready.

“Are the stylists ready? Hair, clothes, and make-up?” Jihyo nods in confirmation.

“We just need her to eat her damn breakfast so we can leave.”

The alpha turns to the omega who was glaring daggers into his back, arching a brow at her.

“Yejissi, why are you refusing to eat breakfast?”

“I was waiting for you.”

“What for?” The alpha asks, confused.

“You usually eat breakfast here.” She replies sharply.

“Right...I ate before I left. I’ll be eating before I leave from now on, too. Please eat your breakfast, Yejissi. We need to leave for your shoot shortly.”

The omega felt nauseous, the scent reeking from the alpha made her sick to her stomach. He didn’t even smell like himself anymore, he smelt entirely of a different person— an omega. She couldn’t keep her rage in, she was waiting for him to eat with her and he was with another omega.

“Why? Are you busy messing around with omegas?” The model bites out, her eyes blazing red as she glares at the alpha before her. “Were you not talking about needing to keep this job so badly? Why are you slacking now? You shamelessly dared come to work stinking of an omega. You shouldn’t be sleeping around during working days, Jungkookssi. I’m sure the agency would not like that.”

Jungkook crosses his arms over his chest, looking at her with amusement. He lets out a laugh then uncrosses his arms, flipping through the papers Minho approaches to give him that have their schedule for the upcoming days and what brands he needs  to get in contact with. The alpha reads through it briefly then asks Minho to email it to him. The man hurries back with the rest of the staff to email the papers to the alpha.

The model curls her fingers into her fist, annoyed at how the alpha is ignoring her.

She marches forward, resting her hand on the alpha’s shoulder to make him turn around to face her forcefully.

“Yeji.” Jihyo warns, stepping closer to take hold of the omega’s wrist.

“Are you ignoring me, now?” She hisses. 

Jungkook calmly watches as Jihyo holds back the model whose eyes glow a brighter red.

“Yejissi, you seem to forget that what I do on my own private time is none of your business nor is it the business of your agency. As long as I’m not actively hooking up with people while at work, I’m good. I do not owe you why I /stink/ of an omega. You should be way more professional than this. I am not your friend, I am your manager.” The alpha shoots calmly, keeping a cold expression on his face.

“Do you think that you coming to your work smelling of your hookups is professional?” Yeji scoffs.

Jungkook lets out a low growl, startling both Yeji and Jihyo.

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