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A curse escapes the omega’s lips as he stares at his friend’s state, feeling his heart breaking at the sight of someone he held dear to his heart. Jimin was pacing back and forth as he kept going on and on about how much of an asshole Jungkook was and how Taehyung deserved much better, but it was all to lessen the amount of anger he was feeling, not to comfort his friend. He knew that despite everything, Taehyung still hated to hear such foul words spouted about Jungkook.

Jimin sits down next to Taehyung on the couch, resting a hand on his knee, rubbing it gently for comfort which only made Taehyung burst into more tears as he broke down, leaning his whole body into Jimin’s arms who immediately wrapped them around his shoulders.

He sighs.

“Hey, Shh.” He whispers gently, holding onto his best friend, burying his fingers into his hair while lightly scratching his scalp for comfort. A gesture Jungkook does a lot when both him and Taehyung are feeling cuddly and cosy, which causes Taehyung’s heart to clench painfully into a knot that sits there in his chest, refusing to go away.

“I already miss him,” the pregnant omega sobs, hiding his face in the crook of Jimin’s neck, unable to meet his eyes and the pity he must hold in them. He doesn’t want to look into Jimin’s eyes and see how vulnerable he’s being.

“He doesn’t deserve you, Tae.”

“No, he does. Jungkook is a good man, I know that much.”

“No, he is not. A good man would at least be there when his omega goes to fulfil his wish of aborting a pup. It must’ve been so hard on you.”

“I was ready to do what he wanted - I was, I know that he doesn’t want kids, but - I felt alone, Jimin. If he was going to let me go through abortion alone so easily, then I should be free to go through this pregnancy alone. He- he just doesn’t care about me, Jimin. I want this pup. It’s mine. I want it. Right?”

Taehyung pulled away to look at Jimin, his teary eyes looking at his friend for an answer desperately. He’s starting to think if he should’ve just gone with what Jungkook wanted, went through with the abortion and continued living happily with the alpha he wants a future with. Was he thinking irrationally? Did he decide too fast? Should he have not called things off with Jungkook? His heart was torn between his beloved and his child. He doesn’t know who he should satisfy, his alpha or himself.

Jimin gives him a small smile as he reaches to touch Taehyung’s face, wiping his tears away with his thumb and then cupping his cheeks, making the latter focus all of his attention on him.

“Your body, your choice. Jungkook can’t tell you to abort the child. He can /ask/ but the decision is up to you. Do you want to abort your pregnancy, Tae?”

The omega is silent for a few minutes, his hand reaching for his stomach, caressing it.

He shakes his head.

“Then you don’t have to do that just because he wants you to. He should be there for his child, but if he is going to insist on not wanting to take part in this pregnancy, then he shouldn’t. He should just back off like you said because you decided to have your pup.”

“I am going to move out.”

Jimin frowns.


“Because I broke up with him.”

“Okay. And? You pay half the rent, don’t you? It’s your house too, Tae.”

Taehyung nibbles on his bottom lip, confused about what he should do.

“You are welcome to stay with me and Yoongi. That’s a given. But it’s not fair to let him have that house when you already paid the rent upfront. How many months do you have left?”

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