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Taehyung lets go of Jungkook’s hand, feeling nauseous and dizzy all of a sudden. 

He swallows, turning away from the alpha and standing to his feet before he lets out a humourless laugh.

“Here you go again. I told you, I’m not going to do it. It’s my body, and only I decide what to do with it.”

“This is why I’m asking you! Please don’t do this!”

“Please! For God’s sake, /you/ stop doing this! Stop telling me to kill my own child!”

“It’s not a fucking child yet!” 

Taehyung’s eyes harden as he turns to look at the alpha, glaring at him with a clenched jaw.

“Do not, ever, say that about my pup. No matter what phase my pup is in, they are still my pup!”

“Our! It is our pup!” Jungkook roars.

“My blood runs in that pup! If it wasn’t for me, that pup would not be there! I am entitled to have a say in this! This is my life on the line too!” 

Taehyung’s chest rises up and down, breathing heavily as he stares at the alpha whose eyes start to water all over again, his body subtly shaking before folding his hands into fists. 

“You are cruel.” A tear rolls down the alpha’s cheek, his nose turning a bright shade of pink as he glares at the floor, unable to look at the omega. “You are so fucking selfish, Taehyung.” 

“You know what you’re asking of me? You want me to abandon them. This is what you’re asking of me, you’re asking me to abandon my fucking child when you know damn well that my father abandoned me too!” The alpha growls with rage, his teary eyes snapping to look up at the omega who takes a step back in caution, intimidated by the red glowing irises of his eyes. 

The alpha steps forward, his eyes screaming fury and melancholy as he takes hold of the omega’s shoulders, his hold firm enough to hold him in place but gentle enough to not hurt him.

“My firstborn, you want me to abandon them. You want me to go about my life knowing that my child is out there in need of me, in need of my name and I’m not there for them. Do you think it’s easy for me to just up and leave? Do you think that I hate that you’re carrying my pup? My blood? It’s just not the right time for me, why can’t you understand! I can’t be a dad right now, mentally, I’m not ready to bear their hatred for me if I fail as a father. I wouldn’t be able to bear their tears when I wouldn’t be able to provide for them! You’re asking me to leave, you want them to not know me, their father, because you were selfish enough to not put an end to it all before it went that far?! Do you think they won’t resent you? For at least a second in their life? Do you think they won’t resent you for bringing them into the world knowing their father wouldn’t be  there for them?” 

The alpha’s words pierced through his heart like daggers, every word leaving a wound behind that stung and left behind an ugly scar. Taehyung’s lips trembled, turning his head to the side as he let his tears flow. 

“I know they will resent me. They will still feel like I shouldn’t have brought them to this world, where they didn’t have their father. But I will be there for them, I will work twice as hard. I would die for them. I will love them so much they won't feel like they need you. Ever. I won’t ever lead a life where I live with the guilt of killing my own baby. I will give birth to them, I will love them and provide for them. No matter what the price is, if I had to sell myself for them, I will do it. They won’t need you, I will make sure of it. I will love them for the both of us so don’t worry.” 

“You’re not even thinking of me at all! You claim that you love me-” 

“You’re not thinking of me, either. Why should I think of you? Did you consider my feelings when you barked abortion in my face?” 

“I said I’m fucking sorry!”

“If I come to terms that they need a father that much, I will find someone. Someone who is willing to stay for me and for my child no matter what. I don’t care if you think of me as selfish, as long as my pup is doing well, I don’t care. I will do whatever.” 

Jungkook’s heavy breathing only grows more intense before he swiftly turns around, letting out a gut-turning scream of frustration as he knocks all the first aid kit down causing the omega to flinch, letting out a startled noise.

"While I cried pathetically for you to choose me, you were thinking of having someone else." He chuckles. 

"I never mattered to you did I? Your love was just a lie, wasn't it?" 

Taehyung presses his lips shut, unable to reply. 

"This is how easy you can discard me, right? You don’t really care about me. You ignored everything I just said only to tell me you'll find someone else." 

"It's not about me, it's for my-"

"Shut the fuck up! Shut up, Taehyung. I despise you."

"What you said back in the car, that day at the clinic, hurt me. It hurt so much to hear you say that you are glad you never married me, it felt like you punched a hole in my chest and yanked my heart out. I didn't understand but it now makes so much sense."

The alpha's body is shaking uncontrollably as his tears continue flowing through his rage, his bright red eyes glaring fury. His scent turned the whole bathroom sour, suffocating the bearing omega and only fueling his nausea.

"You're glad you didn't marry me because it's easy to let go of me and find someone else, isn't that right?" Jungkook laughs, bitterly.

"If that's the case, then why the fuck don't you abort my fucking child! Why don't you let go of what is me and go find another toy!"

"Do you hate me that you'd sacrifice yourself to make me miserable?! Get rid of it, and go get pregnant by someone else! If it's easy to leave me and go into someone else's arms, why don't you do it right now!"

"Get rid of that innocent child and bear a new one with the one you'll run to!"

The slap Jungkook receives resonates through the relatively small space of the bathroom, his cheek turning red at once as he glares at the omega.

Taehyung's eyes were wide with tears, drop after drop escaping his eyes with a shaking body and trembling hands.

Jungkook clenches his jaw before turning in his heels and running out of the bathroom, slamming the door shut in Taehyung’s face, leaving him a sobbing mess.

Taehyung falls to his knees in front of the toilet seat, where Jungkook was seated, his dizziness increasing, and before he realises it, he is emptying his stomach down the toilet.

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