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Taehyung groans tiredly as he tries to stretch as much as he can. He is very tired. He feels like every bone hurts. Every muscle and every organ  feels like it needs to be stretched like dough.

He sighs, pulling out his phone to call Jimin.

It is 6 a.m. in the morning, Jungkook is getting ready for work, and Taehyung is supposed to go to school— only if his back didn’t feel like snapping in half. Taehyung decided to stay back and rest, the sound of Jungkook shuffling in his room, the sound of his shower running and the constant opening and closing of his wardrobe as he decides what to wear put Taehyung in some peace—- reassuring him that he is still not alone. He imagines them as a family, the brunette too pregnant and tired to move, a cup of ginger tea in his hand while his boyfriend gets ready for work which he arrives late at because he decided to stay back five more minutes to cuddle him and kiss him goodbye.

His heart hurts.

Jimin picks up the second time Taehyung calls.

“Mimi, why are you ignoring me?” Taehyung pouts.

“Tae, it’s six in the morning!”

“You sound very awake to me.”

“Th-that’s not the point!” Jimin flushes.

Taehyung hears the quiet hushes and giggles in the background, and it drowns in him what is going on at the end of the other line.

“Jimin, it’s six in the morning. Seriously, your alpha needs to calm down.” Taehyung grins when he hears Yoongi laugh through the phone, Jimin shushing him, grumbling.

“We’re trying for a baby.” Jimin announces shyly.

Taehyung freezes, his eyes widening.

“For real? Oh my god, congratulations, Mimi!” Taehyung smiles brightly, sitting up despite his aching back and lets out an excited noise.

“It’s too early to congratulate me, pup. We’re still trying, Yoongi has a baby fever and wants one so bad.” He giggles, happiness evident in his voice. Taehyung feels so happy for his best friend. He feels over the moon, but his smile softens when he says Yoongi is the one wanting a baby— a melancholic smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

“I’m still so happy for you.”

Jimin hums.

“Did you need something? Are you okay?”

“Hm. Yes, I am. My whole body hurts, though. I called you to give me a massage.”

He chuckles.

“Do you still need me to come? I will be there in no time, baby.”

“No, no! Continue with your baby making, I’ll be fine.”


“Bye, Mimi.”

Giggling, Taehyung hangs up and lays back down— grunts of pain escaping his lips before resting his head back down on the pillow he took from his bed, trying to get comfortable.

Jungkook lets out a short sigh— standing behind the wall that connects the living area to the hall leading to their bedrooms. He stopped when he heard Taehyung talking to Jimin, his gaze lowering as he listened to the way Taehyung's voice showed a hint of sadness.

Sadness that he caused.

He peaks from behind the wall, watching Taehyung try to lay down and groan in pain. He heard him complain about his body hurting, and he now watches how he tries to get comfortable on the couch, his lips curled into a grimace.

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