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Not many things visibly managed to hurt Jungkook. He had a tough childhood growing up, and it was partially the reason why Jungkook grew up into a cold person. Jungkook was not as complicated as people like to paint him. On the outside he was cold, numb and unmoved but on the inside, he had a bonfire that warmed up his heart. The bonfire Jungkook held within kept his heart young, warm, vulnerable and kind but the facade he kept on was a shield to protect himself, he didn’t want to ever show that vulnerable side of him, the side he spent his whole life protecting.

Jungkook could be hurting on the inside, his heart breaking piece by piece falling into the bonfire that is within him and burn yet Jungkook would never show it. He learned his lesson back when he was 7 years old and he would never let his weakness show to anyone. Except Taehyung.

Jungkook and Taehyung met coincidentally. Jungkook calls it the best coincidence in his life, Taehyung blushes and swats at the alpha as he shakes his head, calling him unnecessarily cheesy.

Jungkook’s childhood was dark, disturbing for a little kid, but nothing was completely black. He did have some white in his life for balance, and that was Min Yoongi. An alpha Jungkook takes pride in knowing him. Yoongi grew up to be the COO of MYG entertainment, a big company that trains idols and dancers under their name, working directly under his father, Min Hyun-Jae. Jungkook met Yoongi as a child, and he was his safe haven for a long time. Hyun-Jae took Jungkook in as his own son, always welcoming him into his home when things got too much back in his parents’ house.

Yoongi’s father let his son take a tour around his company back when they were teenagers, the younger alpha walked around with wide eyes, letting out quiet “woah’s” as he followed the elder until both of them walked into the trainees practice room and Yoongi laid eyes on a pretty omega that was elegantly dancing and stretching his limbs every time he’d mess up a step before giving it another go.

Eight years passed too quickly, as the young alpha says, before bothYoongi and Jimin decided to get married. It was at the wedding that Jungkook met Taehyung for the first time. Jimin’s best friend who was out in Europe for several years, came back to South Korea to finally settle before pursuing fashion and getting into fashion school for two years before the wedding.

Jungkook was pulled towards the omega like magnet, getting confidence out of nowhere to pursue the pretty man and start spitting silly pick up lines and flirting his way to his heart, a smile never leaving his face the whole time he got to know the omega. For the young alpha, eight years passed too fast but the 3 weeks he got to know the omega felt like years, his heart pounding in his chest in excitement and bursting with an overwhelming feeling whenever he laid eyes on him. He couldn’t help but sheepishly ask Taehyung to move in with him, bombarding him with all of the reasons why they should move in together, be together. Taehyung did hesitate at first but looking at his young alpha, he couldn’t help but give in. Moving in together did have its pros and cons, but seeing the kind eyes of Jungkook every morning outweighed all the cons he could think of. He was silly and falling in love too.

After graduating, Jungkook pursued cooking as a job. He wanted to do what he did best, and it was his passion for cooking that bloomed the ambition of owning his own restaurant. It was why Jungkook started saving up, working two part-time jobs as a chef in two different restaurants to one day achieve his dream.

Moving in with Taehyung, he had to spend all of his savings for the upfront rent payment. They both liked the house and how breathy and big it was despite being expensive and in their rush, Jungkook paid without any hesitation. It was awkward at first. Each one had his own room as Taehyung strictly demanded. Gradually, they got closer, slowly falling in love.

For a year, both of them lived together in a sweet haven. It felt like a really long honeymoon as they both woke up to each other every single day and smiled on their faces as they leaned in for a morning kiss to start off their day. Jungkook never really regretted his decision to spend all of his savings on a house to share with Taehyung, the thought never crossed his mind, but as Taehyung told him he was glad he didn’t marry him, he thought of how he shouldn’t have done that after all. He shouldn’t have moved in with Taehyung after all. He gave up his hard work to pursue a happy life with Taehyung and while he was working hard to save up again, Taehyung once again came to kill his dreams and ambitions, roping him into the responsibility of a child that he never asked for, a child he didn’t want.

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