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Three months passed, and Taehyung is now four months pregnant, his belly already showing. 

Ever since the conflict in the bathroom, they've been avoiding each other like their life depended on it. Jungkook would leave for work early in the morning and return late at night.

Taehyung couldn't help but feel hurt that he never sees Jungkook anymore. He can count on his fingers the number of times they ran into each other the past three months. 

He hoped the alpha would come around eventually, or at least be civil.

He knows he was wrong when he said he'd find someone else. He knows how that must’ve affected him.

But isn't that the truth? If Jungkook is not willing to stay, if he doesn't want the baby, should he just spend the rest of his life lonely in the sense of a loving relationship?

Taehyung does not know for sure. He does not know if he can even love anyone other than the alpha that broke his heart, leaving him behind with a piece of him forever. He doesn’t see himself getting over the alpha anytime soon, but for his sake, and for his baby, he has to.

He has to get over his heartbreak to focus on his baby. Otherwise, he'd be breaking his promise of doing everything for his pup, and he would never do that.

Taehyung still goes to school and work, his pregnancy not really being an obstacle, yet. He is tired most of the time, his back starts hurting, and his stomach cramps at random times, but he pushes through as much as he can. He's been trying to save up most of his income— to be able to move out when the time comes and to be able to buy some necessities for his baby. He can't help passing by the shops and smiling widely at the tiny clothing, shoes, and diapers, knowing that a pup of his own would soon fit in these things. He has to save up.

Meanwhile, Jungkook leans back against his car, folding his arms over his chest as he stares at the empty restaurant before him that has a clear sign that says up for sale. 

Yoongi pushes his hands inside his pockets, tilting his head.

"Will you stare all day?”

"Isn't it amazing? It looks so cool, right?" 

Yoongi hums. "It does." 

"I was going to buy it, you know? With my savings." 

"Why didn't you?" 

Jungkook chuckles.

"All my savings went to rent to move in with Taehyung."

"I would've gone from a mere chef to a restaurant owner. Get Michelin stars, maybe. Get big. Become rich. I could've gotten so big that I'd open a branch in another location, can you imagine?" Jungkook swallows, his eyes watering.

"What could've been waiting for me." He whispers.

Yoongi smiles, his eyes gentle as he takes a step closer and rests a hand on his shoulder, squeezing. 

"Yet you sacrificed it for Taehyung. That should mean something, Kook." 

"It doesn't mean anything, I regret nothing more."

"I know that it was my own choices, I take complete responsibility for my stupid thinking."

He scoffs.

"What was I thinking? Moving in with someone who I've only known for weeks and blowing all my hard work into the wind. That attraction could've been settled with some sex."

"Jungkook, you know that's not true. I agree that it was impulsive, but it was not a waste, pup. You got a family out of it. I no longer am your only family."

"Hyung, please. This is a family I never asked for, a family I never wanted. What am I gonna do with that family now?"

"Let them starve? Taehyung and I alone barely managed. Some months, we fell short on money. We're not always comfortable, now with another responsibility and another mouth to feed, how the fuck are we gonna manage?"

"That baby deserves more than a roof on their head, hyung."

Yoongi sighs, leaning back against the car next to the younger, listening quietly.

"The baby deserves a good education, clothes, food, and a lot of great things in life that I cannot provide. They deserve a father better than me, someone capable more than I am."

"Why don't you just trust yourself a little more? Trust Taehyung?"

"Taehyung..he said he will find someone. Someone who can stay for him and the pup. He made it clear that I never meant something to him. Just another alpha in the sea of people who would gladly be with him."

"I'm pretty sure Taehyung didn't mean it that way, Kook." 

"It doesn't matter, hyung. I gave him a choice to be with me and he chose not to. This all that matters."

Yoongi groans.

"You idiot, it's because the choice is unfair! You're making him choose between his pup and you!"

"Because I don't want that child! I don't want it!" 

"Jungkook, it's okay to be scared of the responsibility. It's okay to want to be better for your kids but saying this is too cruel. One day that child will be here and you'll regret ever saying that you don't want them."

"What if I look at them and feel suffocated and my urge to leave only intensifies?"

"That won't happen. I know you. You're acting like this because you're scared of being unavailable emotionally and financially for them, you care. You'd never abandon your pup."

"How is it fair for me to be forced into this then? How is it fair to take advantage of how I'd never abandon them like I once was. How is the best case scenario forcing it all on me, making me miserable with a responsibility I never signed up for?"

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