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"Hyung, this is so unfair! Why should I babysit Minggyu?" Jungkook grumbles, his eyes screwing shut as he whines.

"Because Jin's cousin is getting married tonight, and we can’t take him to the wedding." Namjoon explains for the eleventh time, his tone laced with irritation.

"I know that! Why me out of all people?!" Jungkook huffs. "Where is Yoongi?"

"Yoongi and Jimin are trying for a baby. Do you think I'll let my child be around that? At least you and Taehyung are not even sparing glances at each other."


"Should I ask Taehyung to babysit Minggyu instead then? He really is my last resort." Namjoon sighs, already over the whole conversation.

"No! Taehyung...he has enough on his plate. Leave him alone."

The alpha humphs.

"Fine! Both of you are so annoying!"

"You're the best, pup! I'll be over with Minggyu in no ti-"

Jungkook hangs up.

He throws his phone on the bed and buries his face into his elbow.

He curses.

"This will be such a long day."
After an hour, Jungkook hears the door. He opens to a smiling Namjoon with his 3 year old standing beside him, hugging his knee.

"You have no idea how much I want to slam the door in your face, hyung."

Namjoon pays him no mind before kneeling to his boy, resting a hand on his head— caressing his hair.

"Minggyu, behave, okay? Don't give Jungkookie a hard time. Be nice."

Namjoon talks gently, a smile adorning his lips before he leans in and kisses the toddler's cheek.

Minggyu nods subtly, a pout forming on his lips after Namjoon pulls away from the hug he pulled the toddler in.

"If Minggyu tells me you mistreated him, I'll behead you myself." Namjoon smiles.

Jungkook rolls his eyes.

"I have a lot of other things I can do than have beef with a toddler, hyung."

The alpha lets out a chuckle, urging  the little boy in, to stand beside the younger alpha.

"I'll see you tomorrow morning, okay, baby?"

Minggyu nods, waving bye at his appa.

Jungkook sits awkwardly on the couch with the toddler by his side. Minggyu is a quiet kid, Jungkook notes.

Namjoon and Jin are always busy with life and raising Minggyu, they don't see them often enough.

So the last time Jungkook saw Minggyu was when he was relatively younger. He remembers how loud he used to scream and how loud Taehyung would coo at him despite it.

Jungkook never really minded the child, he just never held him or interacted with him directly.

Which explains why the toddler is awkward. He is matching the vibes, Jungkook thinks.

"Do you want to watch something?" Jungkook breaks the silence, looks over at the toddler and waves the remote control at him.

Minggyu stares.

"Yes?" He tries again, urging an answer out of the toddler.  "No?"

When he gets no answer, he sighs, turning on the TV anyways. He keeps changing the channels, letting the little boy take a good look at each channel before he changes it when he gets no reaction.

He stops when he hears an excited noise come from the child.

Jungkook's eyes grew wide, getting so excited himself that he finally got a reaction from the robotic child.

He double takes at the TV and notices the cartoon playing.

"Peppa pig? Do you like this?"

Minggyu lets out an excited giggle, clapping his hands.

Cute, Jungkook thinks.

"It's a pig." The alpha whispers to himself.

"Do you..." He trails off, taking a look at the boy.

"Do you perhaps like samgyeopsal?" Jungkook asks, leaning forward a little to get the little boy's attention.

Minggyu side eyes the alpha.

Jungkook  is embarrassed.

Minggyu is busy with the cartoon for a long time before he speaks to the alpha for the first time.

"Ajusshi, hungry."

Minggyu stares at him with big pleading eyes.

Jungkook smiles, hesitating before reaching and caressing the boy's cheek gently.

"You can just call me hyung. I'll cook something for you, you stay here. Okay?"

Minggyu grins happily, wrapping his small arms around the alpha's larger frame.

Jungkook freezes.

The alpha breathes in, his hand slowly coming up to rub the boy's back awkwardly.

The boy soon pulls away and goes back to watching his cartoons, leaving an awkward Jungkook to stand by himself.

He clears his throat before turning and walking into the kitchen to prepare the boy some eggs.

The day goes by like this, Minggyu watching TV and asking Jungkook for minor things like water, food and to help him use the bathroom.

He didn't give him a hard time at all.

It is night time when Minggyu starts getting sleepy, his eyes droopy and unable to hold them open anymore.

"Minggyu, do you want to sleep?" Jungkook asks gently, resting a hand on his shoulder.

The toddler pouts, his eyes tearing up as he nods.

"No, no, why are you crying?"

Jungkook panics, inching forward.

"Sleepy." The boy mutters sadly.

"Then sleep. What's wrong?"

"Appa hugs me."

Jungkook sighs.

"Do you mind if Jungkookie hyung hugs you tonight? Appa will come over and take you in the morning." Minggyu looks at him for a moment, nodding.

When Taehyung comes home that night, he finds the alpha sleeping on the couch with the little boy lightly snoring in his arms. Taehyung inches closer, takes a good look and realises that the boy is Namjoon and Jin's son.

He notices the low sound of a video playing coming from Jungkook’s phone in his hand.

He takes the phone out of his grip carefully to turn it off before he stops when he sees the video playing.

It's an hour long video.

All you need to know about having a baby.

Jungkook must have fallen asleep watching it. Taehyung ignores how his heart stutters, closing the video.

He chews on his bottom lip as he stares at the search bar. He hesitates for a moment then his curiosity gets the best of him, clicking in it to view the search history.

Taehyung stares at the results, dumbfounded.

five months pregnancy symptoms

meals newborn babies can eat safely

Are babies allergic to pets?

Baby necessities you must have

How do you relieve an itchy pregnant belly?

Taehyung stares at the searches and pauses at the last one, remembering how he was itching his belly nonstop two days ago, complaining about it to Jimin.

"You idiot." The omega mutters, his eyes welling up with tears.

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