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“I’ll wait for you here.”

The ravenette murmured, his hands gripping the wheel tightly as he looked down, not meeting his boyfriend’s eyes that held many emotions in them, including disbelief and betrayal.

“Are you not going to go in with me?”

“No. I- I don’t want to be there while it happens. I hate blood, and I hate that-”

“That we’re killing our pup.”

“For God’s sake! Stop saying that. We’re not killing. It’s not a baby. It is not our pup, Taehyung. It’s something in your body that we have to stop from growing any further. For our sake.”

After finding out about the pregnancy, Taehyung didn’t talk much. He couldn’t utter any words as he thought of all the possibilities of his pregnancy. Jungkook, on the other hand, kept going on and on about how he doesn’t want to be a father and how he doesn’t want kids. He kept reminding Taehyung that they sacrificed a lot to move in together including their savings to rent out their house, how the omega is in his last year in fashion school and a baby would complicate a lot of things for him. Including Taehyung’s job at the boutique. If Taehyung stops going to work for a while for the baby, their financial status will solely depend on Jungkook, and Jungkook is just a chef in a restaurant. They need to pay their rent, their bills, and their needs. A baby just wouldn’t fit in.

Taehyung was convinced that he knew Jungkook’s argument was completely valid, and the next morning, they called up a doctor and didn’t waste any time hopping into Jungkook’s car to leave immediately. The ride was quiet, and every minute that passed by made the lump in Taehyung’s throat grow larger, his eyes filling up with tears that he tried to push back the whole time. He thought Jungkook would be there for him, support him mentally, or just hold his hand, but Jungkook chose to stay behind and let him do it on his own.

Taehyung, without another word, got out of the car, slamming the door behind him before gulping and taking heavy steps into the clinic.

“Kim Taehyung.”

A nurse called after a few minutes of waiting. Taehyung felt like he would pass out any minute. He was feeling a lot of emotions, and it made it hard to breathe. Guilt, fear, sorrow, anxiety, and no one by his side to comfort him. The one who should be doing that is sitting back in his car waiting for him to come back with his problem solved and done, leaving him on his own.

“Hello! Kim Taehyung?”

The doctor smiled widely, walking towards Taehyung with kind eyes and welcoming hands reaching out for him to shake and it made Taehyung feel more at ease, calmer as seconds passed by while he reached out to shake the doctor’s hand. He can tell the doctor was releasing calming pheromones for him. He must’ve made the room smell too sour.

“Hello, I’m here for an abortion.”

The doctor’s smile faltered, and it turned into a sad smile instead before he ushered him to the patient's seat to lay down, and with a heavy heart, Taehyung did.

“I need to see how far you are first, so we’ll do an ultrasound. Is that okay?”

It wasn’t okay. Taehyung didn’t want to see the baby. He felt tears well up in his eyes once again before blinking them away while nodding his head, giving the doctor permission. As the doctor applied gel to his bare stomach, he felt his heart beat loudly in his chest when the doctor told him to look at the screen. He didn’t want to.

“When did your heats stop coming?”

“Last time I had it was in more than a month. That’s why I took the test.”

“Your baby is six weeks old, judging by the timing of your heart and the fact that I can barely see them. They’re not too obvious, but they’re there, can you see? They’re here on the left.”

The doctor pointed at a small dot on the left, and Taehyung felt all the tears he had been trying to keep down the whole time rushing down his face as he stared at the fetus. The pup is so small - too small. So fragile and in need of him. Taehyung’s hand went up to touch his stomach, right next to the doctor’s hand, and caressed his skin gently while his eyes stayed glued on his pup. He couldn’t do it. He couldn’t.

It felt so wrong to get rid of it. His heart swelled with love for the fetus, and he couldn’t help but sob.


“Are you okay?”

Jungkook asked gently once Taehyung got back in the car while looking pale and tired. He looked sick, and Jungkook felt bad for putting him through it all. Taehyung nodded, answering his question.

“Let’s go home, I’m sure you’re tired after the procedure. You should rest.”

The sound of passing cars was all sound that could be heard while Jungkook started his car, and Taehyung’s lack of response was worrying him. He opened his mouth to say something before Taehyung suddenly blurted out an answer.

“I didn’t do it. I didn’t get the abortion.”

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