𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝟏

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                             ~ 𝑽𝒂𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒂 𝑷𝒆𝒔𝒄𝒆 ~

I wake up with a splitting headache and adding to that is Selene making a fuss about me not giving her money.  " Listen to me , all I want is $100 nothing more.  " she said in a rude tone . I got up and went to the bathroom and heard her following me . " Fine , if you aren't gonna give me I'll go somewhere else.  " she said and put on her heels walking out of my room and toward our 2 bedroom apartment's front door I held her hand and sighed.  " I'll give you the money,  just don't go out to the wrong places . " I said in a low yet firm voice. She grinned and grabbed the money from my hands and ran to her room . I went back to my bedroom and took a cold shower.  I went into my room and wore my outfit for the day . " You're wearing that ." Selene said in a disgusted tone. 

" What's wrong with me wearing,  denims , a cardigan and black  converse shoes ?" I asked ia confused tone.  She left my room and soon came back in a red dress . It was open at the back and showed her breasts in the front.  " This looks stunning . " she said looking towards my mirror.  I rolled my eyes and took my side bag along with my glasses and book . " Don't wait up for me , I might be late . " I said and she ignored me . 

I went to the bus stop and got the bus , riding for 20 minutes,  we arrived at the next stop and I speed walked towards the restaurant bumping into someone on my way there . I fell hard to the floor hitting my butt hard . " I'm sorry , I should've looked at where I was going.  " I said , while getting up . I looked up at the 7 ft tall figure before me and how he looked down at my 5ft short figure.  " Peasant. " he said and walked away . " What was that all about?" I said in a low tone and dusted myself off and ran to the restaurant. 

I ran into the kitchen,  " There you are , hurry up before Chef comes . " Hinoki said to me . I wore my apron and began plating the food . I took it to the tables with a smile on my face knowing my butt hurts like hell .

𝐀 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫

It's lunchtime and I'm sitting at the back with Hinoki , " Are you alright?" She asked and I nodded with a smile handing my strawberry cake over to her. She ate it with a massive smile and that made me so happy. I began reading my book till the chef came with an angry look.  " Break over now hurry to the kitchen. " I closed my book and we went and began serving. " Valentina serve this medium rare steak to table 7. " I nodded and took it there.  I noticed it was the man from earlier. 

I placed the food down and was about to leave when I tripped over someone's leg and nearly landed hard on the ground , when someone caught my apron.  I caught my balance and looked behind me to see that man smirking . Hinoki came speed walking towards me and tied her black sweater around my waist . " Oh no . " I whispered and ran to the bathroom.  My denims were covered in period blood. 

Hinoki handed me a tampon and a skirt. I wore it and it looked really short . My thighs looked really big in them . I walked out pulling the skirt down and feeling people's eyes on me. I was sent over to table 7 again.  " I'm sorry for any inconvenience caused by me . " I said and left the table . I went the back and sat down taking deep breaths.  " I miss you guys. " I whispered trying not to cry .

I patted my back and took my stuff from the employee bathroom . I put everything in my side bag and began walking to the bus stop,  hearing men wolf whistle at me made me feel uncomfortable , some came really close to me and tried touching me but I pushed them off and ran to the bus as soon as it came.  It came to the next stop and I ran out and went straight home forgetting to buy groceries. 

I walked in and found Selene sleeping on the couch,  and a plate of yesterday's leftover lasagna.  I took a blanket and covered her with it.  I sat down on the kitchen table eating my leftovers trying not to cry . I opened my bag and checked for my phone but it wasn't there and I burst out into tears. 

I soon got up and washed my face . Sitting on my bed trying to function.  First it was that man.  Now my phone is missing and i haven't paid rent yet , Sele is throwing tantrums,  the job I have isn't enough for everything.  I need another job. 

I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling looking at the glow in the dark stars on my ceiling. I began feeling exhausted and drained both mentally and physically.  Trying to cry but not a single tear drop appears from my eyes all I have is just me and my loud thoughts.

Telling me to just kill myself as I'm pretty worthless already but my other voice telling me I have to stay strong for Sele cause she's still young and immature and needs to grow up and stop depending on those people outside.

My parents may have always loved her more than me and I'm sure that even though they are dead now they still do . They would always choose her over me any day and I tried hard to make it up to them but it was never enough. Every time she made a mistake I suffered , being locked in the cold dark basement  , hungry and cold while I could hear them laughing and eating dinner. She never once tried to stand up for me not even once , no matter how hard I tried to please them it would never be enough but I still love them to this day . I love them more than anything and I would give up my life to have them here again whether they love me or not. 

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