𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝟑

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                            ~𝑽𝒂𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒂 𝑷𝒆𝒔𝒄𝒆 ~

I'm decorating the plates when Jeanne comes in with an order . " Table 5 wants a Saffron risotto with forest mushrooms. " I nodded and we prepared the food . Everyone was busy so I took the food to that table and it was him again.  " Here's your order sir , we hope you'll enjoy the meal . " I said and left the table. 

" Excuse me . " I heard him saying and I turned back to him . " Yes sir ?" I said and he spat his fod back on his plate.  " The food isn't properly cooked , get it perfectly made and bring it to me or this restaurant won't exist by tomorrow . " I nodded and took the food back to the kitchen. " Table five said the food isn't prepared correctly. " Our main chef Mr Cyrus sat on the floor .

" Oh no , my restaurant , that man will ruin us like he did to all the other restaurants. " I'm feeling nothing but confusion.  " Valentina,  Hinoki , Luca and Jason go out and slow dance as some sort of distraction. " he said and we nodded , I wore  a dress and it was open at the back . I took Luca's hand and we began dancing to a song called Snow flower.

I made eye contact with that man often and he looked upset.  He got up and got on stage taking me in his arms.  He wasn't being gentle at all , he was being so rough. And his hand movements hurt so much. He had his arms around my waist holding me as close as humanly possible,  
I tried to hide my tears as the song ended and the crowd cheered.  I pulled away from him and went to the bathroom.  My back had red scratches. I wore my sweater and cargo pants. 

Heading back to the kitchen and taking his food . " I hope this will be better for you sir . " I said and was about to leave. " Does this restaurant not know how to cook.  " I turned to him already feeling angry.  " Listen to me you stuck up rich bastard,  If you don't like the  food you are free to leave ,  no one's forced you to stay.  So get the hell out.  " I blurted out and covered my mouth when I noticed everyone was staring at us . He got up and took the food and threw it at me . I stood there frozen,  hearing people whisper.  I took a glass of water and threw it at his face . " Tit for Tat . " I said and left , I headed to the employee bathroom and sat there crying.

Hinoki came and consoled.  " Chef says to apologize. " I nodded and cleaned up.  " I'm so sorry about  the mess I caused. " I said and left the stage.  I took my bag and phone and began walking to the bus station.  It began pouring and a car drove by splashing all the muddy water all over me . I burst out crying and sat on the ground. " Could this day get any worse. " I watched that man get into his car and we made eyes contact.  I Immediately looked away , the bus had finally arrived and I got on it .

We stopped at the next bus stop and I walked home and noticed a car following me . I began walking a bit faster and bumped into a gang that's around my area . " Oh we have a damsel in distress. " a fat one said and I took a deep breath. They began trying to touch me , when the owner of the car stepped out . " Oh princess,  there you are . " the voice said and it was that man . I turned to him and he pulled me close in the pouring rain .

They began backing away and soon the disappeared into the dark alley ways.  " Thank you. " I said to him and he nodded . I began walking quietly towards the house and he followed me with his car till I got to my apartment.  I waved at him ." Sorry about earlier !!" I shouted and ran into my apartment and watched him drive away . I sat on the couch and noticed Sele isn't home yet . I made muffins and ate up , took a shower and wore my pjs . Going through the pictures and videos in my gallery with tears in my eyes .

𝑵𝒆𝒙𝒕 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈

I woke up and got ready and found an eviction notice on our door and a passed out Sele on the couch.  I cleaned up and made her lemonade and placed it down for her and walked to the bus stop feeling worried as our bills haven't been paid and I might lose my job. 

The bus came and I went in and saw the man's car drive past . We got to the next bus stop and I got out . I stepped out of the bus realizing how late I am. 

𝕴 𝖆𝖒 𝖓𝖔𝖙 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖉𝖔𝖑𝖑Where stories live. Discover now