Chapter 10

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The banquet had already ended at 10:30 pm. By the time Zuo Luohuan arrived, all the guests had already left, leaving only the cleaning staff in the distance.

"Let's go straight there now..."

Zuo Luohuan looked down at her soaked clothes around her waist and realized it wouldn't work.

She opened the car window and took a photo of the Ji family, then sent a message to Jiang Hong using her light brain: "Which room does Ji Yue live in?"

Jiang Hong replied, "It's his coming-of-age ceremony today. What do you want to do?"

He didn't ask about what happened before, but Zuo Luohuan was surprised that Jiang Hong used the Ji family's information so easily.

Zuo Luohuan was already impatient with the pain and asked again, "Which room?"

Jiang Hong replied, "The second room on the left on the third floor."

Zuo Luohuan looked up at the room Jiang Hong mentioned. From outside the window, it was pitch black inside. Of course, Ji Yue would want to spend some time with his family on his coming-of-age ceremony.

She picked up the blue and black gift box next to her and bypassed the Ji family guards, climbing up the stairs and preparing to climb through the window to leave the gift quietly. The guards at the Ji family were obviously more vigilant than those outside the armory database building, but they were still not as alert as the guard who had shot Zuo Luohuan. It wasn't too difficult for her to sneak in.

Climbing up to the third floor, Zuo Luohuan looked down at the guard who was about to patrol and quickly opened the window and climbed in.

In the darkness, Zuo Luohuan stood up straight and prepared to casually place the gift on the nearby table. It was still the day of his coming-of-age ceremony at 11:50 pm.

The valuable gift box was placed on the table, making a soft sound. She was about to climb out of the window again when she suddenly sensed something and turned around abruptly.


After her coming-of-age speech, Ji Yuezhi didn't stay at the banquet for long and quickly returned to his room to rest. Not only was he feeling uncomfortable due to his differentiation period, but also because of the sudden departure of that person. During the first half of the year, they didn't meet at her coming-of-age ceremony, and this time, they only saw each other from afar.

Perhaps because of his bad mood, the gland in his neck also began to swell. Ji Xixiu came over twice to check on him and finally turned off the lights, telling Ji Yuezhi to rest well.

Ji Yuezhi lay on his side in bed, not yet asleep. The pain in his gland and the image of Zuo Luohuan raising her glass to him with a slight gesture came to mind as soon as he closed his eyes. Compared to the others, she was dressed very casually in a black dress, as if she wasn't attending a banquet. Even so, she stood out in the crowd of people dressed in formal attire.

She never liked attending banquets, so the fact that she came was already unexpected. In the darkness, Ji Yuezhi's long eyelashes trembled as he tried to convince himself that he was happy to see her.

This self-conviction didn't last long, as Ji Yuezhi soon noticed movement outside the window. His eyes opened instantly, and his expression was only icy cold. Before the window was pulled open, he rolled off the bed and quickly reached for the light gun under the bedside table, aiming it at the window. Should we assassinate or kidnap him at this node?

Ji Yuezhi's gaze was fixed on the window, quickly filtering through recent news from all sides of the Federation. Perhaps his defection could hinder someone's path. 

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