Chapter 33.

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The military academy students in the three cars were all waiting to watch the show. They refused to get off and, under the guise of studying and exchanging ideas, the First Military Academy had to entertain them well. If the people below couldn't resist quitting, they could turn the tables on them.

A group of people sat chatting to themselves, completely unaware that three of the original seven were missing.

Zuo Luohuan, Ding Wuming, and Qian Maohao left without a sound, sneaking around to the back of the three cars and quietly slipping underneath to start sabotaging them, causing thick smoke to gradually fill the cars.

"Oh no, your car is on fire!" Guan Xue deliberately stood in front of the car, shouting anxiously, "Quick, someone come put out the fire!"

The military academy students on the car were choked by the thick smoke and ran towards the door with blackened faces. Unfortunately, at this moment, the three saboteurs had already returned and were spraying the door with fire extinguishers.

"Put out the fire quickly!!!" Jiang Hong shouted frantically on the side, "The students on the car are all from our friendly schools!"

"Here we come!" Qian Maohao sprayed the fire extinguisher everywhere, specifically targeting the people coming off the car, while shouting, "Are you okay? Are you okay?"

The military academy students, who had been choked by the thick smoke and sprayed with fire extinguishers, cursed, "Fuck you! You thieves from the First Military Academy! You're not doing your job!"

The people who originally wanted to see the First Military Academy students in a hurry were now all standing at the school gate, looking disheveled with black and gray faces and covered in dry powder.

"Sorry, it's possible that the cars from the capital haven't been thoroughly inspected recently." Ji Yuezhi stepped forward and preemptively apologized, "Next time we send you back, we will definitely do a safety check."

Crowd: "..."

Not only did they lose interest in the class experience, they just wanted to immediately change into clean clothes and wash their faces.

Unfortunately, they were arranged to stay in the First Military Academy and had to enter the dormitory building with the students here.

Ji Yuezhi had their accommodation form in his hand and led the people from three military academies inside, circling around the school so that even the students from this school could see them.

He was the head of the Discipline Department, and people would come up to greet him and call out to him as he walked.

Ji Yuezhi nodded one by one and then introduced them to the people: "These are the people from the Yun Dong Military Academy, the Northern Military Academy, and the Joint Military Academy, who have come to our school to experience it."

The students who greeted them saw the group of people with dark faces and yellowed bodies behind them and their eyes suddenly became meaningful as they left with suppressed laughter.

Jiang Hong walked behind and whispered to Zuo Luo Huan, "I never thought Ji Yuezhi would be so cunning. We can't offend him in the future. After all, he is Ji Xiuxiu's son."

After saying that, he thought for a moment and was shocked again, "I almost forgot, you've already offended him."

Zuo Luo Huan glanced at him and said, "Can I be like them?" They were students from the same military academy, while those people were from other military academies.

"Yes, you are different." Jiang Hong nodded. "Based on logic, you two are archenemies."

Zuo Luohuan: "..."

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