Chapter 78.

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Jiang Hong paced back and forth on the warship, occasionally passing by the spot where Zuo Luohuan and Ji Yuezhi were sitting, stealing glances at them.

They sat side by side, with no apparent difference from usual, even with a distance of two armrests between them. It was not as close as Luo Shaoyuan, who slept in a twisted position next to Yan Yan in the front row.

Ji Yuezhi was looking at his light brain, while Zuo Luohuan played with a soft blade in her hand, trying to ignore what had happened before. If anyone told Jiang Hong that the two were together, he would curse them for being blind.

"Do you have frequent urination?" Zuo Luohuan looked up at Jiang Hong, who had been back and forth for an hour. "Dr. Fang is right in front of us. He has a way to cure it. You're young, don't be afraid to seek medical treatment."

Jiang Hong: "..."

At this moment, Jiang Hong noticed that when Zuo Luohuan spoke, Ji Yuezhi turned his head to look at her, not at him, but at Zuo Luohuan.

Jiang Hong had never noticed it before, but now he felt that Ji Yuezhi's gaze towards Zuo Luohuan was a bit... how should he put it, it was indeed the kind of look that only someone who liked another person would have. He listened attentively to Zuo Luohuan's words, and no matter what she said, it seemed very interesting to him.

It even carried a hint of devout admiration.

Ha! This kind of invisible display of affection between couples was even more hateful.

"I don't have frequent urination, my eyes just hurt." Jiang Hong turned around and walked back, sitting back in his own seat.Jiang Hongqi himself is blind, despite the fact that two people have been coming and going under his nose for so long that everyone has noticed. As someone from an influential family, it's surprising that he hasn't realized it, but he won't admit that he's still sour about Zuo Luohuan.

When he clicked on the anonymous forum for the first military academy, Jiang Hong suddenly felt balanced again. He now knows, but the people at school don't.

If this news were to spread to the school, those people would be absolutely shocked.

Just thinking about what will happen next makes Jiang Hong feel balanced again.


When they returned to the capital port, Ji Xixiu personally came to pick up Ji Yuezhi. He was able to distinguish that he was picking up his son, not the "Seventeenth Army," because there were no other people around him, and even the car was his own private one.

"You go straight back to the military academy, and hand over the damaged bone mecha to the relevant personnel for maintenance." Ji Xixiu only said this one sentence to the "Seventeenth Army" he sent out, and then went straight to Ji Yuezhi and said, "Xiaoyue, let's go home."

Ji Yuezhi glanced at Zuo Luohuan and followed his father out.

From beginning to end, Ji Xixiu didn't say a word to Zuo Luohuan.

"I think you guys... are in trouble." Jiang Hong looked at the backs of the father and son leaving, patted Zuo Luohuan, and sympathized a little.However, Zuo Luohuan didn't take it to heart: "Ji Xixiu not only ignored me, but also didn't say a word to you guys."

"So what makes you different from us?" Jiang Hong thought Zuo Luohuan was bold. "In the future, I mean, if you guys really end up together, you will be his son's partner, and the Ji and Zuo families will be in-laws! I think Ji Xixiu is not satisfied with you."

"Maybe." Zuo Luohuan knew that Ji Xixiu had some issues with her, but he wouldn't stop Ji Yuezhi from interacting with her.

"Senior, I'll go with my parents first." Yan Yan came over to greet Zuo Luohuan and a few others.

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