Chapter 60

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The person inside the room took a long time to come out, with a body full of steam and wet hair that hadn't dried yet. They had probably been in the bathroom for a long time. There was a hint of redness at the corner of their eyes as they looked at Zuo Luohuan outside the door and asked, "What's wrong? I was just washing up."

Ji Yuezhi looked like this after spending a long time in the bathroom, but Zuo Luohuan didn't notice anything unusual and laughed, "Some things are just for looking at, it's not a big deal."

"What things are you talking about?" Ji Yuezhi asked her.

Zuo Luohuan couldn't decide for a moment whether he had watched that video or not. At least when he saw that wanted poster in the underground black market, Ji Yuezhi should have recognized her.

In fact, she was a little surprised at the time. After all, the surveillance footage was from a year ago. At that time, Zuo Luohuan was a little thinner and had done something to her face. Normal people couldn't tell that Shui Bai was her, let alone the surveillance footage wasn't very clear.

For a moment, the two of them were silent. At this time, a service cart passed by in the corridor. Zuo Luohuan hadn't reacted yet when she heard Ji Yuezhi say softly, "Come in."

He pulled Zuo Luohuan in and also closed the door forcefully.

The passing service staff only saw the two of them embracing each other, as if they were being affectionate. They didn't hear anything and left while pushing the cart with their heads down.

After Ji Yuezhi came back to the room, he had been playing program advertisements loudly. After pulling Zuo Luohuan in, he let go of her and walked to the stereo system, quietly watching her.

Zuo Luohuan stood still for a moment before walking towards him and asking in a low voice, "Did you watch the video?"Ji Yuezhi looked at her steadily and asked, "What medicine did he give you?" 

Zuo Luohuan's mood was complicated. She didn't expect the video to be leaked, and it probably wasn't released by Hong Tongdao's people. Her gaze fell on the sound system, "It's just a nerve stimulant, it will be ineffective afterwards." 

"Even if it's ineffective, why go to Fang Yong's clinic?" After seeing the video, Ji Yuezhi connected the occasional information his father had revealed before. It was just shortly after she returned to the capital. 

Zuo Luohuan paused for a moment, then relaxed and touched Ji Yuezhi's face with a smile, "It's already better now... why are you angry?" 

But she still didn't answer his question. 

Ji Yuezhi turned his head away from her hand and asked in a cold and business-like tone, "Did you find out anything? Why would he do this to you?" 

Zuo Luohuan's smile faded slightly, "I didn't find out anything. I was just caught by them. I didn't kill anyone." 

"You..." Ji Yuezhi frowned at her, with some emotion flashing in his eyes. 

Zuo Luohuan wanted to smooth out the wrinkles on his forehead with her hand, but restrained herself and said with a helpless smile, "I'm not even angry, why are you?" 

Ji Yuezhi narrowed his eyes slightly, his knuckles turning white, and after a moment, he looked at her and asked softly, "Don't you get angry when you see your friend hurt?" 


Zuo Luohuan nodded and said, "Yes, I can do it too."

The two stood facing each other, and Ji Yuezhi finally asked her, "How long have you been there?"

"A few days, I can't remember," Zuo Luohuan said casually.

Unable to recall, from such vague words, Ji Yuezhi could sense the immense pain hidden behind them.

She always used this casual attitude to conceal her emotions, and every time she did so, it was just to get by.

Zuo Luohuan's gaze fell on Ji Yuezhi's face, his lips slightly tightened, obviously unhappy, the redness at the corners of his eyes seemed to be getting more and more obvious. She said seriously, "I'll tell you a secret when we leave the Western River Exile Star."

"What secret?" Ji Yuezhi was intrigued by her words. "The secret you discovered here before?"

Zuo Luohuan's eyes hid something, watching the water droplets from Ji Yuezhi's hair drip onto his beautiful straight collarbone, he casually caught the droplet that fell from her hair and said, "It has nothing to do with that."

Ji Yuezhi wanted to say something, but Zuo Luohuan stopped her and changed the subject, "Where did the condoms go?""You..." Ji Yuezhi's gaze unconsciously fell on the bedside, "Take it to the bathroom and wash it off."

Zuo Lu laughed, "Hmm, we've thought of everything, Yuezhi."

Ji Yuezhi's ear tips hidden in her messy hair turned slightly red, and she forced herself to remain calm, "Someone will clean the room in the morning."

Zuo Lu took out the box that Zhou Li had given her in the morning from her pocket, opened it in front of him, took out one, and threw the packaging bag into the trash can, "Like this?"

Ji Yuezhi pursed her lips, took the condom from her hand, and walked into the bathroom to wash it off.

After coming out, Ji Yuezhi's gaze fell on Zuo Lu's waist, "I want to see your injury."

"It's already healed," Zuo Lu explained, "You should have heard of Fang Yong's reputation."

Ji Yuezhi stared at her in silence.

Zuo Lu could only helplessly lift the hem of her clothes to prove that what she said was true.

The injury on her side near the ribs was deeply engraved in Ji Yuezhi's mind. She had watched the video of the abuse several times, and with each viewing, her breathing became more painful.There are still two white scars on the ribs, normal injuries wouldn't leave scars unless the area was repeatedly injured and not treated in time.

Ji Yue's breathing almost stopped, his fingertips tightened as he slowly reached out to touch.

"It's okay." Zuo Luohuan held his hand and let go of her clothes, "It's all over now."

Ji Yue still lowered his head, as if trying to see the scars under her clothes.

"It's getting late, I'll go back first." Zuo Luohuan lifted his chin and quickly let go of his hand, "The past is over, there are things to do tomorrow."

Ji Yue softly responded, watching her turn and leave.

After returning to her own room, Zuo Luohuan leaned against the door and pressed her forehead, she didn't really need to go see him, it was only a matter of time before Ji Yue found out, and besides, she could just tell him on the light brain.

She was afraid of what, it was hard to tell in that moment, she just walked out subconsciously, knocked on the door, and when she actually saw him, she didn't know what to say.

Thinking of the secret she had to tell, a hint of tenderness appeared in Zuo Luohuan's eyes.

Meanwhile, in the opposite room, Ji Yue didn't do as Zuo Luohuan thought and go to bed, he watched the video over and over again, almost feeling the same pain as the person in the chair, his fingers and knuckles turning white.I didn't sleep all night.

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