Chapter 95

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The skeleton mecha itself is smooth, with only special treatment on the soles of the feet and palms of the hands. However, if oil is poured on them, one can easily slip and fall.

"The instructor is waiting for you all over there, three kilometers ahead." said an instructor, with a tanker truck behind him. It's not hard to guess that it's filled with oil.

Zuo Luohuan raised his arm and sniffed, it's not gasoline, it should be just regular lubricating oil.

Under the leadership of their respective captains, everyone ran forward. Several instructors sat on top of the tanker truck, each holding a pipe and occasionally spraying the military students below.

The force of the spray was strong, and any military student who wasn't standing firmly was knocked down. With the instructors spraying all the way, the originally neat formation was completely scattered, and many fallen military students were left behind.

The speed of the formation slowed down, and many people stepped on the lubricating oil, causing them to slip even on flat ground.

"At this rate, it will take half an hour to run three kilometers." Jiang Hong wiped his face, his hands covered in lubricating oil.

The skeleton mecha is fully enclosed, with a thin mecha covering the entire body from head to toe. However, special treatment was done on the eyes, nose, and mouth, allowing the wearer to breathe and communicate normally.

"First, line up the formation, and everyone hold hands and move forward. If someone falls, the person next to them should reach out and help." Ji Yuezhi turned around and said, the instructors pouring oil on them was naturally for the sake of future training, but now they need to protect their own formation.

Ji Yuezhi's team quickly responded, and when the people from the other teams saw this, they followed suit and quickly supported each other as they moved forward.Everyone was covered in oil, making it difficult to pull the person next to them without causing a chain reaction of falls. However, in order to avoid burdening others, everyone gritted their teeth and held on, quickly getting back up if they fell and continuing to climb even if they fell again.

The instructor sitting on top of the tank couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, thinking that their reaction time was decent and not too slow.

While thinking this, he never stopped using the high-pressure hose to spray the lubricating oil mixture, until they finally arrived at the training location, supporting each other along the way.

"We're here." The instructor raised his hand to check the time and asked the group, "Do you want to take a break?"

"No need!" Luo Shaoyuan shouted, knowing that the instructor had something up his sleeve.

The training location was a cliff, or more accurately, a hundred-meter-wide crevice with five ropes fixed in place. On the other side was flat ground, and in the distance was a tall building with five ropes hanging outside, swaying in the wind.

"Since you're all new here, the instructor doesn't want to be too harsh on you." Jiaoji had a kind expression on his face as he pointed to the hundred-meter crevice. "The instructor is worried that you won't be able to cross it, so he has fixed a rope for each team to use to cross."

The group was speechless.

"Oh, by the way, this rope can also be used to climb the building." Jiaoji added.

Guan Xue approached the edge of the crevice and looked down, but couldn't hear anything as the small stones under her feet fell down.

"Instructor, how deep is it below?" Cha Lili asked.

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