Chapter 115

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On the way to the Military Commission, Zuo Luohuan sat alone on the roof of the car. Only she dared to do so. No one knew where the enemy might appear, and sitting on the roof at this time was equivalent to actively attracting the enemy's attention.

However, sitting on the roof also had its advantages. It allowed her to detect any unusual movements around her more quickly and clearly.

Zuo Luohuan observed all the way and never found any enemies. When they were halfway through their journey and passed by a shopping mall building, she looked up at the huge rotating advertising halo above the building, and something flashed through her mind.

As the car drove away, Zuo Luohuan frowned, trying to grasp that momentary sixth sense.

Advertising lights...lights...

Zuo Luohuan suddenly remembered something. In the video that Ren Pingbo sent her today, his window should not have been completely covered by the curtains, and there was light on the floor of the room, which flashed at that time.

Zuo Luohuan had a house in the central city, and she occasionally stayed there. The rotating advertising lights of this building often shone during the day and sometimes spread far when the light was good. From her room facing this side, she could see the flashing lights.

Zuo Luohuan looked up at the sky and thought about today's weather. The sky was clear, and the light was bright.

Ji Yuezhi sat in the car behind Zuo Luohuan and saw her jump off the roof. He thought there was an enemy attack and immediately ordered his team to stop and be on guard.

Zuo Luohuan walked to the window of the car behind her and knocked on it. When Ji Yuezhi pressed down the window, she said, "There is something I need to confirm."Ji Yue was taken aback, she was leaving now?

Zuo Luohuan raised his hand and touched Ji Yue's cheek, then slid his hand down to lift her chin and leaned in to kiss her on the lips. But he quickly pulled away and calmly said, "If I have time, I will come find you."

She gave Ji Yue almost no time to react before turning around and leaving.

Ji Yue touched her lips with his fingertips, feeling clearly that it was a farewell kiss. She never did such things in front of others, let alone in such an urgent situation.

She was going to find Ren Pingbo.

Almost instantly, Ji Yue thought of this idea. He turned his head to look at Zuo Luohuan's back as she left, her beautiful and slender fingers tightly gripping the edge of the car window, even turning a bit white.

"Keep going," Ji Yue whispered to the person in front of him.


The entire capital was under control overnight, and now all the streets were shut down. Zuo Luohuan didn't drive or take a flying vehicle, she ran all the way to the central city. The weight on her hands and feet had already been removed, and there was nothing limiting her strength.

The original guards of the central city were no longer there. Zuo Luohuan looked up at the surveillance cameras without wearing any bone armor. She walked straight in, not caring at all about what was inside.As with every time she came to stay, Zuo Luohuan walked into the elevator, pressed the button to go up, watched the numbers climb higher and higher, and finally stop as the elevator doors opened.

She pressed the button for her own floor upstairs.

On the first floor of Central City, there was only one household, and the range of the distant light could reach from her floor all the way to the top floor.

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