Chapter 38

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The Joint Military Academy lost an energy block, but in exchange, the First Military Academy solved the second-generation robot dogs and destroyed the combat effectiveness of three Alphas. No matter how you calculate it, An Yingjing won this battle.

The current situation doesn't allow Ji Yuezhi to think about anything else. He is dealing with the two second-generation robot dogs opposite Zuo Luo Huan.

Jiang Hong and Yan Yan can no longer stand and are obviously trapped in an illusion, their faces flushed.

"Is An Yingjing's pheromone an Alpha aphrodisiac?" Guan Xue turned her head to look at the two of them. Nowadays, people don't pay much attention to gender differences in strength, so the fact that the captain of the Joint Team is an Omega has not attracted anyone's attention, after all, the captain of the First Military Academy is also an Omega.

Who knows that An Yingjing has this kind of pheromone? The Joint Military Academy probably spent a lot of effort to suppress this information in order to win the exercise match, and even Jiang Hong's family did not receive the news.

"Captain, I'll help you." After dealing with the second-generation robot dogs on this side, Guan Xue immediately wanted to move to Ji Yuezhi's side.

Ji Yuezhi stopped her and said coldly, "Throw those two into the water."

Guan Xue heard this and had no choice but to turn to pull Jiang Hong towards the creek, holding his face tightly with one hand and saying, "Stay awake, don't drown."

Qian Mao looked at Ding Wuming lying on the stretcher and Yan Yan banging his head on the ground. After hesitating for a moment, he shouldered his gun and rushed over, dragging Yan Yan by his armpits and gritting his teeth to drag him to the creek.

"I'll help." Guan Xue came over and lifted Yan Yan's feet, throwing him into the water together, saying, "Yan Xuedi is too heavy, luckily Ding Xuedi is lying on the stretcher."

"Will they drown?" Qian Mao looked worriedly at the two people splashing in the water and asked. This long creek was shallow in some places and deep in others, and this area did not belong to the shallow area.

"They can still splash, if there's no movement, I'll go down again." Guan Xue turned back to Ji Yuezhi.

The chips of the two second-generation robot dogs had been pierced, but Ji Yuezhi's arm was injured, and Zuo Luohuan was still standing still, bowing her head without moving. Her self-control was obviously stronger than the two people in the river. Now that An Yingjing had left, the Omega pheromone was gradually dissipating and would inevitably improve after a while.

However, Guan Xue's thinking was still too simple. After Ji Yuezhi dealt with the two second-generation robot dogs, he turned around to check Zuo Luohuan's condition. As soon as he approached, Zuo Luohuan became aware and raised her eyes with red blood vessels to look at him.

She had reached her limit.

Ji Yuezhi looked around. The reason why he asked Guan Xue to throw Jiang Hong and the others into the water instead of leaving was that other places might not be safe, and there might be ambushes.

"Stay in the water for a while, and the pheromone should dissipate when you come up." Ji Yuezhi said to Zuo Luohuan.

Zuo Luohuan did not move.

Ji Yuezhi waited for a while again, and could only reach out and grab Zuo Luohuan's arm, forcibly taking her over.

He was completely focused on getting Zuo Luohuan into the water to remove the pheromone on her body and avoid the residual Omega pheromone in the air. He did not even notice that his arm was still bleeding, dripping onto the spot where they were holding hands, wetting Zuo Luohuan's clothes, and flowing down, with a drop finally falling into her palm.

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