Chapter 84

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In the center of the table lies a blue-black-gold gift box, with the ribbon on top already untied. Luo Huan reaches out and gently opens the box, revealing a neck lock made of a circular black metal strip with intricate patterns engraved in a language variant that is almost extinct in the Federation, meaning "blessing of peace," wrapped in a hollow black lace border.

However, to those who cannot read the language, it is just a pattern engraved on a sensual neck lock.

Luo Huan gazes at the neck lock for a while before turning to explain to Ji Yue Zhi, "I thought you would transform into an Alpha before I gave you this."

"I know," Ji Yue Zhi's eyes show a hint of joy, making him look a bit like his father, who is famous for being a "fox." "I intentionally gave you a bite-proof face lock."

"I knew you would send me a neck lock in return, so I intentionally gave you a bite-proof face lock."

Luo Huan pulls him over and sits on the chair, looking up at Ji Yue Zhi. "Do you want me to give you a neck lock?"

Neck locks, whether they are used for pleasure or not, always carry an ambiguous atmosphere.

Ji Yue Zhi remains silent, only gently touching Luo Huan's eyebrows and eyes with his hand, his lips curving into a shallow arc, making him look like a spring flower after the ice melts, dazzling and radiant.

Luo Huan still lets him touch her while changing the subject suddenly, "I've never asked, when did you start liking me?"

Ji Yue Zhi pauses for a moment, then lowers his head and kisses Luo Huan, saying in a coy tone, "That's my secret."Zuo Lu laughed and helped him straighten his collar, saying, "Okay, your secret is safe with me."

The person who meticulously buttons up every button on his military uniform at school is in a rush at home and hasn't even turned up his collar.

Ji Yuezhi closed the gift box and took Zuo Lu's hand, saying, "Let's go downstairs."

As he turned and walked ahead, Zuo Lu's smile gradually faded.

He said it was intentional, and Zuo Lu naturally understood Ji Yuezhi's meaning. It wasn't meant to provoke her, but rather to have her give him a neck chain.

But... would an Alpha want another Alpha to give them a neck chain?

A year ago, when she came of age, Ji Yuezhi had not yet entered his differentiation period. According to Jiang Hong's words, every test report showed that he would differentiate into an Alpha in the future.

Zuo Lu couldn't find an explanation, but her heart inexplicably sank. And when Ji Yuezhi suddenly leaned down and kissed her, it was so proactive that it seemed to be hiding a sense of avoidance.

"Do you want to go home today?" Ji Yuezhi didn't notice what Zuo Lu was thinking and turned to ask her, his voice unable to conceal his happiness.

Obviously, he was very happy that she came to the Ji family for dinner."I'll go back in the afternoon and talk to my mom." Zuo Luohuan quickly suppressed his emotions and replied.

Ji Yue's pace slowed down, waiting for Zuo Luohuan to walk beside him before asking softly, "Shall we spend the weekend together next week?"

Zuo Luohuan raised his eyebrows, squeezed his hand, but didn't respond.

Because Ji Xiu looked over from the living room.

The two walked down the stairs, and Zuo Luohuan naturally let go of Ji Yue's hand, but they sat together.

"Don't be restrained, Xiao Zuo." Yan Jinqiu greeted Zuo Luohuan warmly. She was very enthusiastic and well-dressed, probably because she was a researcher. She didn't waste words when speaking or doing things.

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