Chapter 11

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"I heard that the Ji family called for a doctor again today. It's estimated that Ji Yue's successful differentiation is fast, but his differentiation period is too short." Jiang Hong sat opposite Zuo Luohuan, sharing the news, but he talked for a long time and the person opposite him didn't react.

From the first class in the morning until the end of classes in the afternoon, she had this absent-minded look. Jiang Hong endured and endured, but couldn't hold back anymore: "He's going to differentiate into an Alpha, and the first person he'll target is you. Sooner or later, I think the students at this military academy will only listen to him, Ji Yue." 

Zuo Luohuan, who had been absent-minded all day, finally came back to her senses and looked up at Jiang Hong, asking with a puzzled expression, "Why does he have to differentiate into an Alpha?"

Jiang Hong laughed at her words, with a hint of inexplicable meaning towards Zuo Luohuan in his words: "Ji Yue is not an Alpha, can he still differentiate into an Omega? Are you afraid that you won't be able to beat him after he differentiates?" So she cursed him to differentiate into an Omega.

Zuo Luohuan lazily leaned back in her chair, but couldn't help but think of the mixed iris fragrance that had permeated her room last night. After taking the stabilizer, the Alpha pheromones in her blood had been circulated out, so she should be fine.

Jiang Hong stared at Zuo Luohuan, his eyes turning a few times. He had always had a good relationship with her, and he could always understand her unfinished words to some extent. Suddenly, he remembered something and his expression froze. He lowered his voice and approached her: "Zuo Luohuan, when you said you were giving a gift last night, did you do something to Ji Yue?"

Zuo Luohuan remembered the pheromones that had unintentionally emanated from her blood, and felt a rare sense of guilt.

Jiang Hong, who had been staring at Zuo Luohuan all along, couldn't help but notice. He widened his eyes and his tone became a little angry: "Damn it, are you crazy? Ji Yue is still in his differentiation period, and you're messing with someone in their differentiation period?"

It's not surprising that he was angry. Normal people have principles, and it's an unwritten rule in the Federation to be friendly to people in their differentiation period. As for Zuo Luohuan, who had some principles a few years ago but has become increasingly unprincipled in recent years, it's not surprising that Jiang Hong would suspect her.

"No," Zuo Luohuan said with a black face. "I wouldn't mess with someone in their differentiation period." She said this, and Jiang Hong was skeptical but relieved. He then changed the subject: "Have you seen the news? The latest experimental light gun in the military database on the third floor was stolen."

Last night, they both knew who secretly went to the military database, and Jiang Hong just told Zuo Luohuan about the follow-up of the incident.

"I haven't seen it yet." Zuo Luohuan came back from the Ji family last night and couldn't sleep all night. Her mind was in a mess, so she hadn't seen the news. But when Jiang Hong mentioned it, she opened her light brain in front of him and found the news.

"Last night, while the guards at the military database were changing shifts, some small thieves broke into the building and stole the latest SL-9 light gun. According to our investigation, it is highly likely related to a recent black market bounty. A complete latest SL-9 light gun is worth 5 million star coins. The guards have been strengthened recently, and we will continue to track down the thief!" 

The person speaking in the news is the captain of the guard team at the military database building, standing solemnly in front of the media camera.

Jiang Hong supported his chin and said while watching the news, "This is a good move. All major forces want to get their hands on the SL-9 light gun for disassembly and research. The thief could be anyone." And no one knows the thief's true intentions.

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