Chapter 86

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During the training of the skeletal mecha, 200 selected military academy students were greeted by their classmates from the weapons department, who were responsible for recording the training data of all the students and adapting weapons based on individual strengths.

Luo Huan was a key focus, as she often completed her training ahead of the other students. The rest of her time was spent surrounded by a group of students from the weapons department, asking her questions. However, Qian Mao stood out among the group and when he asked a question, the others naturally dispersed.

"What kind of weapon do you want?" Qian Mao knew Luo Huan better than the others. She didn't have any weapons she couldn't use, only ones she liked and didn't like.

Luo Huan's gaze fell on Ji Yue, who had just finished training with his team. When she heard Qian Mao's question, she casually replied, "A curved blade."

"Huh?" Qian Mao was stunned. "You want to use a curved blade?"

The Gashiluo people were known for their expertise in using curved blades, which was why many people in the Federation instinctively avoided this type of weapon.

"Since they use curved blades, I'll use curved blades too." Luo Huan withdrew her gaze and said calmly, "Use the enemy's strengths against them."

Hearing this, Qian Mao suddenly felt a bit excited. "Then I'll make you a curved blade just like theirs. It's simple, you can use both hands, right? The other hand can be paired with a light gun. But currently, the light guns can't be compressed, so we need to do more research on that."

"Okay." Luo Huan had no objections.

After asking the question, Qian Mao squatted in a corner to study the light gun and curved blade. Although the curved blade had to be made like the one used by the Gashiluo people, it also needed some additional features.Zuo Luohuan walked towards Ji Yuezhi and said, "Today's speed is faster than before."

"Now that we're wearing the skeletal exoskeleton, there aren't too many abnormalities." Ji Yuezhi turned to look at her, "We'll adapt in a little while."

Although the skeletal exoskeleton is heavy, it fits the user's body very well. For people like Zuo Luohuan who are used to the weight of the exoskeleton, it feels like they're just wearing an extra layer of metal clothing.

Zuo Luohuan looked at the sweat on Ji Yuezhi's forehead and had the urge to ask him if he regretted it.

The physical abilities of Alpha and Omega are different. If he were to differentiate into Alpha, he should progress even faster than he is now.

"Why can't we withstand artillery fire?" Guan Xue walked over to them with a frustrated expression, "I just want to blast those Gashra people with one shot."

"The fixed beam cannons are only on specialized military ships and vehicles. The movable gun barrels are all firepower cannons, which can't be used on the border." Jiang Hong walked over and said, "Don't expect too much, or else let them make a charging light gun."

"Can they make it?" Guan Xue was a little skeptical.

"You just need to suggest it. Whether or not they can make it is up to the weapons department." Jiang Hong said indifferently, "Anyway, they're all still experimenting."

After a few people exchanged a few words, Kang Guang called everyone to gather."I see that sophomores and juniors seem to be at odds with each other," Kang Guang grinned, "Today, I'll give you a chance. Let's have a hundred-person battle. The weapons are brought by the students in the weapon department and are placed at the entrance of the library. The goal is to occupy the top floor of the library's big bronze clock tower within two hours."

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