Chapter 103

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Ji Yue seemed a bit confused and didn't realize that his pheromones were leaking out. No one around him had reminded him either, "Maybe I've been too busy these days... and couldn't control it well."

Zuo Luohuan lowered her gaze and gently pressed on his neck gland, which seemed softer than before. She looked up at Ji Yue and said, "Don't worry, others won't notice it at this level."

She was just afraid that his gland differentiation would cause problems, so she paid extra attention to Ji Yue's pheromone changes.

Zuo Luohuan turned around and locked the door of the conference room, then turned on the ventilation system and said to Ji Yue, "Now release your pheromones."

Before leaving the Federation, Dr. Fang Yong had told Zuo Luohuan that she could observe Ji Yue's pheromone changes to determine if his gland was mature. Stimulating with Alpha was also a means of doing so.

However, they had been busy with training and living together, so Zuo Luohuan had not used her own pheromones to soothe and induce him.

Ji Yue used to be able to boldly release his own pheromones, but now that Zuo Luohuan was so straightforward in asking him to release them, he felt a bit uncomfortable.

"What's wrong?" Zuo Luohuan thought he was uncomfortable.

Ji Yue turned his face away and remained silent, but his slightly red ear tips revealed his thoughts.

Zuo Luohuan chuckled softly, pulled him closer, and gently pressed on his neck gland.No matter how many times she touched him with her slightly cool fingertips, Ji Yue Zhi couldn't seem to stand still. He grabbed onto her coat and buried his face in Luo Huan's shoulder, as if this could reduce the heat rising in his body.

Luo Huan knew Ji Yue Zhi's habits and didn't force him to show his face. Instead, she released her pheromones, slowly enveloping him.

The extremely cold pheromones should have been icy and harmful, but at this moment, they only covered Omega with a faint coolness, bringing him a great sense of security and an irresistible temptation.

Not to mention that Luo Huan's fingertips were still gently and forcefully caressing the gland on the back of Ji Yue Zhi's neck.

A sweet scent of iris slowly emanated from Ji Yue Zhi's body, and his Omega pheromones contained a faint sense of pleasure, as well as an uncontainable affection.

Luo Huan originally only wanted to smell Ji Yue Zhi's pheromones to confirm if there was anything unusual with his gland, but now she couldn't help but want to do other things. Even her strong self-control seemed to be greatly compromised when she touched him.

Ji Yue Zhi was also not feeling well. His Alpha pheromones only appeared for a moment, and when his own pheromones were released, he quickly withdrew them, causing his emotions to become somewhat impatient.

He lifted his face slightly and rubbed against Luo Huan's neck, his breath becoming erratic. "Don't withdraw..."

Ji Yue Zhi liked the feeling of being enveloped by Luo Huan's pheromones. At this moment, he felt like he belonged to her.

"This is the meeting room," Luo Huan reminded him. She was always restrained and never did anything inappropriate with Ji Yue Zhi in public unless it was absolutely necessary.Ji Yuezhi's hands were placed on Zuo Luohuan's shoulders, and he turned his face to hers, his usually cool voice now carrying a hint of heat: "The door is locked, sister...kiss me."

He was asking for a kiss.

This thought flashed through Zuo Luohuan's mind, almost causing her to lose control.

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