Chapter 71.

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After the two of them found out where the chip of the third-generation robot dog was located, they immediately contacted others and informed them that the chip was in the throat of the robot dog, and once the chip was destroyed, it would cause an explosion.

As long as they could attract the robot dogs together and hit the chip, they could harm other robot dogs. If there were enough explosions, the power would accumulate and cause a chain reaction.

"They are in the underground shelter, we need to go to the shipyard." Since just now, Zuo Luohuan had been holding onto Ji Yuezhi's wrist with one hand and had not let go. She forgot, and Ji Yuezhi did not remind her.

The two of them walked towards the shipyard, one in front and one behind.

The situation was obviously not good. There were various bloodstains along the way, as well as scattered luggage, shoes, and other things, and of course, there were also bitten body parts.

Zuo Luohuan's face became colder and colder. She didn't know how many Western Union soldiers had sacrificed along the way, and they still had to hold on here for two days, waiting for the arrival of the capital's reinforcements.

Ji Yuezhi grabbed Zuo Luohuan and stopped at a corner. He bent down and picked up a blood-stained flashlight from the ground and handed it to her. "It can still be used."

Zuo Luohuan let go of his wrist, took the flashlight, wiped the blood off with her sleeve, and said softly, "These blood debts will eventually be repaid to the Gashoro people, one by one."

The two of them followed the bloodstains and found that the port shipyard was under fierce attack. Groups of third-generation robot dogs, like an army, were attacking the Western Union soldiers guarding there.

The runway of the shipyard had just been repaired. If the robot dogs self-destructed, it would probably be destroyed again."The 17th Army's warships can dock," said Ji Yue, "as long as there is a docking station, the runway doesn't matter."

Zuo Luohuan looked at the crazily attacking machine dogs and understood: the people behind them obviously knew about the capabilities of the 17th Army that was about to come to their aid, so they were attacking the Western Union Army instead of the runway.

Ji Yue contacted the leader of the Western Union Army currently stationed at the docking station and requested a temporary handover of command, which was agreed upon.

Zuo Luohuan looked over and said, "I'll follow your command."

"Luo Shaoyuan and Jiang Hong are rushing towards the administrative center," Ji Yue quickly relayed various information gathered in his mind and instructed Zuo Luohuan to go to the flank and join a small group of Western Union soldiers. "I need you to lure the third-generation machine dogs to open their mouths, and there will be snipers attacking the chips in their throats."

He wanted to lure and explode the third-generation machine dogs.

The purpose of the Gasherans placing explosives on the machine dogs was to prevent the Federation from obtaining materials for the machine series, but at this moment, it became the biggest loophole.

When Ji Yue gathered the snipers and followed Zuo Luohuan's small team to constantly move and attack, the densely packed machine dogs began a series of explosions, allowing the Western Union Army at the docking station to breathe a sigh of relief.

Ji Yue looked ahead as Zuo Luohuan led a small team to lure the machine dogs with their mouths wide open, and couldn't help but prepare the snipers behind him.

Suddenly, a Western Union soldier in the rear fell down, about to be bitten by the machine dogs catching up. Zuo Luohuan saw it out of the corner of his eye, turned around in an instant, and tackled the soldier, pressing down on his head. But the machine dog had already bitten his arm, directly taking a chunk of flesh.Ji Yuezhi saw this scene through the scope, her heart tightening as she shot the machine dog in the forehead.

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