Chapter 117.

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Ji Yuezhi and his team returned to the port and stopped in a residential area midway to search for rescue. On their third search for civilians, Zuo Luohuan finally arrived.

She didn't immediately approach, but parked her car behind and looked through the front windshield at Ji Yuezhi in the front.

The team members brought out many civilians, and he stood by the car, speaking softly to Jiang Hong and occasionally turning his head to instruct other team members.

Zuo Luohuan's gaze fell on Ji Yuezhi's profile, and even though there were people standing around, she could only see him at first glance.

She saw Jiang Hong say something to Ji Yuezhi, and after he replied, he looked down at his light brain, his expression faintly melancholy.

In that moment, Zuo Luohuan felt like her heart was being squeezed, she couldn't bear to see him show this kind of expression.

Her Yuezhi shouldn't be disturbed by this kind of emotion.


"The capital signal has temporarily been restored," Jiang Hong said, "it can be maintained for three hours."

"Contact the port first," Ji Yuezhi said to Jiang Hong, then looked down at his own light brain, wanting to contact Zuo Luohuan, but afraid of disturbing her.Jiang Hong has been receiving sporadic news from the Jiang family, and when he saw a message about Zuo Luohuan, he instinctively looked up to tell Ji Yuezhi, but was surprised to see someone behind him.

Ji Yuezhi followed Jiang Hong's gaze and saw the person he had been thinking about, who was now standing behind him, looking at him tenderly.

Zuo Luohuan gazed at his face with her eyes, wanting to engrave it in her heart bit by bit. Ji Yuezhi was still with his team and surrounded by so many people, and she didn't want to ruin his image, so she just looked at him like this.

Ji Yuezhi didn't care, his beautiful eyes widened slightly in the sunlight as he looked at the person behind him. The next second, he turned around and strode over, embracing Zuo Luohuan tightly around the neck.

Zuo Luohuan was startled, but eventually reached out and hugged Ji Yuezhi.

Jiang Hong turned around and left with a meaningful look, going to attend to other matters.

After embracing him, Zuo Luohuan realized that the emptiness in her heart had been filled. She reached out and touched his back, comforting the person in her arms, "I'm okay, Ren Pingbo is dead."

If it were usual, the words "Ren Pingbo is dead" would have definitely caught Ji Yuezhi's attention. He had already turned it over in his mind countless times, but now he didn't hear anything, his mind was a mess.

Ji Yuezhi buried half of his face in Zuo Luohuan's shoulder, smelling the lingering smell of blood on her body. Although he was no longer wearing his original clothes, his brow furrowed slightly and his eyes gradually turned red.

Zuo Luohuan gently stroked his back, feeling his pain and sorrow. She knew that he needed her comfort and support at this moment.

They stood there, holding each other tightly, as if they were the only two people left in the world.A warm liquid hit her neck, causing Luohuan Zuo's body to stiffen. Even the pain from the poisoning that had once affected her brain couldn't compare to the pain she was feeling now. At this moment, she knew what it truly meant to feel pain.

Luohuan Zuo leaned back slightly, holding up half of Ji Yue's face and carefully examining the redness in his eyes. She leaned in and gently kissed the corner of his eye, whispering, "Don't cry."

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