Chapter One: Entering Castle Oblivion

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Elsewhere to a similar-looking castle in the distance on a single path. Darcey stands overlooking the castle. Darcey, Jiminy, Faith, Twitchy, Donald, and Goofy then walk toward the castle. Faith and Twitch sniff the air, thinking there's something off. Donald and Goofy say something to each other that is not heard. Darcey looks up at the castle and gasps slightly, wondering what's inside, she couldn't feel anything from the Force to help her. She continues toward it, while Jiminy was looking at her in confusion and wonder. In confusion, Donald said "Huh?" They all continue into the castle. Darcey opens the door and looks inside. The sextant then walks in the castle in silence, while everyone were looking around. Unknown to them, Darcey's scar on her arm disappears. Faith looked around while Twitchy sniffed around, before chasing his tails. Goofy broke the silence and asked his friends in concern "Hey, ya think it's OK to barge in?" Goofy asks. Donald suggested "But we gotta do it, if we're gonna find the king..." This caught Goofy in surprise, while he looks around the room for him and said "The king?! King Mickey's here?" Donald quickly explained to him "Something just told me he'd be here, OK?" Goofy was confused and said "Really? 'Cause now that ya mention it, I was kinda thinkin' the same thing." This caught Darcey by surprise, but accidentally made Jiminy fell in her hoodie, if Faith hadn't helped him up and said"Seriously? Me too! One look at this castle, and I just knew: Our very best friends---they're here. I just felt it, but through the the force for some unknown reason." This put a smile on Goofy's face, Twitchy yapped with him and said "A-hyuck! Guess great minds think alike." Jiminy Cricket jumps out of Darcey's hoodie and spoke in shock "Wait, hey, hold on! It can't be just a coincidence!" Donald exclaimed "Oh, no, Jiminy. Ya don't mean that—" Jiminy spoke "Yep, I had it too, mm-hmm! I had the exact same feeling." Goofy thought and said "Gawrsh, maybe it's contagious.". Darcey was feeding her dragon and crup puppy with berries. Donald denied "No, no. Something's screwy. We gotta go take a look."This made Darcey to addresses her friends "All right, let's go boys, come on girl." Darcey starts to walk toward the door at the end of the hall.

Faith and Twitchy began to follow her, Donald jumps and yells "Wak! Where are you four going?!". Darcey answered as she pointed, while snickering "That way. To the door. Are ya scared?" Jiminy found it amusing and says in sing song "Donald the scaredy-duck, Donald the scaredy-duck, Donald....." This ticked off Donald and yelled "Hey! I'm not a scaredy-duck Jiminy!". Faith sneaked up before him and did a medium roar, making him freak out "WAK!" Donald yelled and jump into Goofy's arms. Making Darcey, Jiminy, Faith and Twitchy snicker/laugh under breaths. Donald had an annoyed look on his face, as he looked at Darcey, Faith, Twitchy and Jiminy. "It was her idea to scare you, proving Jiminy's theory. And it worked." Darcey told him, as he got out of Goofy's arms. Glaring at the four, then said "Very funny...... Aw! don't be ridiculous! Come on, let's go, Goofy!" Goofy stopped for a moment and says "Hey, guys, shouldn't we shut the door behind us before we go?" Then Turns around and yells "Darce!" The same hooded man appears in front of the entrance and the doors close. Preventing the heroes from leaving, this caught Darcey, Faith and Twitchy by surprise as she saw them and yells "That's it! Who are you? Who do you work for?" Darcey grunts and summons her Keyblade and activates her lightsaber. Faith and Twitchy both snarled/growled at the black hooded man.

The others prepare for battle, while Jiminy glares at him on Darcey's shoulder and Twitchy barked at him. The hooded man walks toward them. Donald yells "Wak! Heartless! Oh yeah? I'll try some magic!" As Donald waves his magic staff and yells "THUNDER!" But no magic comes out of his magic staff, he tries again yelling the same spell "Come on. THUNDER! THUNDER!!" Still nothing happens, not even a spark of magic. Then he tries other spells "Come on... Blizzard? FIRE!" Nothing happens. The hooded man reaches them. Donald slumps in distress and asks "Why isn't it working?". "We'll try this....Faith plasma blast!" Darcey yelled. Faith was about to fire plasma blast, but just like Donald nothing came out. "Huh?!" Darcey cried out. Like her rider Faith was also shocked that she couldn't use her plasma blasts. As if something or someone is preventing her from using her abilities. This shocked everyone, they're powerless and have no magic. "I should think it's obvious. The moment youset foot in this castle, you forgot every spell and every ability you everknew. In this place, to find is to lose, and to lose is to find. Thankfully, you've haven't forgotten your connection and powers of the Force. Not to worry about your sweet dragon, she'll soon have her abilities back. That is the way in Castle Oblivion." This made Darcey very confused of what he said "Castle Oblivion?" She asks. The mystery man disappears in an aura of darkness, and reappears behind Darcey, Faith, Twitchy and Jiminy. He said "Here you will meet people that you have known in the past. And you will meet people you miss.". This made Darcey think for a moment andasks "I miss? Amanda! You mean Amanda's here?!". The hooded man replies to her "If what you to find her..." The man holds out his hand and gusts of wind and flower petals appear and are blasted at Darcey and Jiminy, who was nearly blown away. But thankfully Donald caught him with his hat. Twitchy was almost blown away too, if Goofy hadn't caught him but they were blown away too. Faith quickly caught Goofy and Twitchy, she used her wings to shield them from the winds and flower petals.

Darcey tries to block them with her Keyblade and her lightsaber. The man then becomes transparent and flies through Darcey. Darcey then runs at the man, jumps, and slashes him, but the man disappears, leaving flower petals behind. Darcey asks "Huh? Jiminy, Faith, Twitchy, Donald, Goofy you guys ok?" Donald, Goofy, Faith, Twitchy and Jiminy got on their feet. Twitchy jumped in her arms and licked her cheek with affection, Faith nuzzled her face. Goofy, Jiminy and Donald approached them, then "We're fine Darce." Donald spoke first. "Gawrsh that was windy!" Goofy spoke second "Thankfully Twitchy, Faith and I weren't blown away!" Jiminy spoke last. Darcey signed in relief at her friends, her dragon and her crup puppy. Jiminy jumped back on her shoulder. The man reappears at the doorway at "What'd you do?!" The hooded man replied "I merely sampled your memories. And from them, I made this." The man holds out a light blue card - crown head top in this hand. It depicts Traverse Town, a world from their first journey, as he continued "To reunite with those you hold dear—" He tosses the card to Darcey, as she caught it with her Force powers. "What's this, a card?" She asks him, Faith looked over her shoulder to get a good look at the card. Twitchy looked at the card too, still in Darcey's arms feeling curious. The hooded man replied "It is a promise for the reunion you seek. Hold the card to open the door. And beyond it, a new world. Proceed, Darcey. To lose and claim anew, or to claim anew only to lose..." The man disappears and Darcey, Jiminy, Donald, and Goofy gasp. Donald, Goofy, and Jiminy watch Darcey, who stares at the card. Darcey said to her friends "C'mon - - -let's go. At least, I still have my powers of the Force. Faith, Twitchy and you guys." Darcey and her friends walks up to the door and holds up the card to open it in one hand, and another carry Twitchy. Darcey walks through the door.

Kingdom Hearts Jedi Keyblade Knight Re-chain of memories (Darcey's Story)Where stories live. Discover now