Chapter Thirteen: Floor 12 (Destiny Islands)/Going Alone

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Floor 11 Exit/Floor 12 Enter- - - - - - - - - -(112)

After Vexen was demised by Axel, Larxene and Marluxia were waiting for Axel to return in the Organization's meeting room. Axel appears in the room in a dark corridor. Larxene was very pleased that Vexen has been disposed "Nice work. I say good riddance to that blabbermouth. He would've jeopdarosed our plans and our alliance with the First Order." Axel pointed out and said "Marluxia... You used Vexen to test Darcey's strength and her connection to the Force. But to see if she's worthy of the Dark Side of the Force, didn't you?". Larxene interfered "Not just Darcey's. It was yours, too. We weren't sure if you actually had it in your bones to take out a fellow member." As she walks over to Axel and continued "Well, I guess that you did. It's time to join up. Taking over the Organization will be like child's play with the three of us, along with gaining favouritism of Snoke and the superiors of other criminal organisations besides us.". Axel realised what Darcey's role is for and said "So that's where Darcey comes in.". Larxene reminds them "Of course. She wants to see Phoenix, so why don't we just give her what she wants?" Marluxia talks to Phoenix, who is sitting on a white chair feeling guilty of Darcey's safety. Marluxia encouraged Phoenix in fake sympathy "Rejoice, Phoenix. The time is near for you to meet the

heroine that you've been longing for.". Phoenix spoke sadly "I'm...glad.". Larxene walked up to him, raising his chin with her finger "But I'm warning you. You'd better not do anything to betray Darcey's feelings. Do you understand me, young man?". "I understand" Phoenix replied sadly. Marluxia ordered him "All you need do is layer Darcey's memories and bring her heart closer to you. Along with making her believe, that she's the perfect apprentice for Snoke, that she belongs to the Sith not the Jedi." Marluxia and Larxene disappeared in through dark corridors. Leaving Axel and Phoenix alone in the room. Axel looks at Phoenix in concern, as he noticed how guilty the boy feels. Phoenix talks to himself "Darcey... Even if you come for me---what then?". While he holds his sketchpad with a sketch of Darcey, he looks at it with worry.

Once Darcey and her team leave Twilight Town and enters the Eleventh Floor Exit Hall. She is greeted by Amanda still acting cold and aggressive to her. Darcey exclaimed "Amanda!". Amanda ordered her coldly "You'll hurt Phoenix if you go further in the castle.". Darcey tried to reason with her "You still want to fight? But Vexen's gone, so now you're free! He can no longer control you, we don't have to fight anymore!". Amanda ignored it and said "It doesn't matter what happens to him. I'm protecting Phoenix from you. That's what's in my heart. Darcey, I made a promise to Phoenix. I promised to...keep her safe." Darcey asked in confusion "You did?". Amanda recalled "There was a meteor shower...this one night when he and I were little...Phoenix got scared and said, "What if a shooting star hits the islands?" So I told him: "If a shooting star comes this way, I will protect you!". This surprised Darcey, as she remembered that certain memory too? "You made a promise! With a toy sword!" This confused Amanda and asked "What... How do you know about that?". Darcey explained her finding to her "Because...that was the promise I made to him that night! I would protect him! I said it! Back at home!". This ticked off Amanda and accused Darcey of lying "Don't lie! You weren't the one there that night!". Darcey snapped back "I NEVER Lie! YOU're the one who wasn't there! That was when he gave his good luck charm to ME!" Amanda yelled as she asked "His what?!". Darcey takes out the charm - Light Blue Star, as evidence of her promise to Phoenix. Darcey asks as proof "See here?". Amanda gasps in surprise at seeing the charm and asks "Tell me... Where did you get that?". However, before Darcey could answer her.

There is a small flash, and Amanda holds her head in pain. Her attitude changes in a harsher tone and still refusing Darcey scoffed "Darcey...nice try."Darcey asks in confusion, as she holds the charm "Huh?." Amanda claimed "That must be a fake. I've got the real one right here!" She takes out a similar charm. This catches Darcey off guard of seeing two identical charms, asks "Wha--- TWO of them?! That's Impossible!" Amanda declared in anger, as she raised her soul eater ready to fight "Fakes should be destroyed!". Darcey and Amanda battle each other again. Darcey refusing to fight, but Amanda was eager to defeat her. Even when things got intense, Darcey decided not to use the dark side of the force. The battle was out of control, Amanda nearly beaten Darcey. If she didn't use her lightsaber, her keyblade, the force and the spells. After the Darcey won the battle, Amanda pants in exhaustion, Darcey begged her to come to her "Amanda.......please." Amanda runs away, leaving her good luck charm behind. Darcey was alone in the room, with the same good luck charm on the floor. Darcey looks at it in confusion and wonder "Huh?" She said. She sees the charm that Amanda had with her.

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