Chapter Three: Floor 2 (Olympus Coliseum, Kuzco's Empire and Deep Jungle) Axel

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Floor 1 Exit/Floor 2 Enter................................................(1-2)

The quartet enters the First Floor Exit Hall. Once there they are greeted by the hooded man from before. The Hooded man asks the group "Well, Darcey? Did you enjoy meeting your memories?". Darcey answered "Yes, it was great to see everyone for a moment. But what do you really want from me? Why did you take Faith and Twitchy, now where are they?"". The Hooded man asks her "What do you have to give?". The man walks toward them. Darcey, Donald, and Goofy summon their weapons. While Jiminy stood his ground on Darcey's shoulder glaring at the fiend. To their surprise, there was another man named 'Axel' who appears behind the mystery man, Axel wears the basic black gloves and boots. His black coat, however, is one of the more distinctive ones in the group, as its sleeves close up tightly around his arms and emphasizes his lithe and skinny build. Axel himself is also easily distinguishable from other characters in terms of facial features, made easier by the fact that he rarely wears the hood of his coat up. Axel has fair skin with rosy hues, a widow's peak, rather small eyebrows and thick, shoulder-length, bright red hair styled into slicked-back spikes. His eyes are a bright emerald color and he has a purple reverse-teardrop shaped marking under each eye. He greeted the quartet in amusing tone "Hello!". Darcey snickers angrily at him. Finding him a bit amusing and yet annoyingly at the same time. Whereas, Jiminy, Donald and Goofy glared at him irritatingly. The Hooded man asks him in a frustrated tone "What do you want?". The red-haired hooded man replied in a calm tone "No hogging the little heroine."The hooded man tosses Axel a card. Then he catches it with his hand. The Hooded man said "Then perhaps you'd like to test her. Maybe you'll get to see how strong she is with the 'Force'". Axel said "Perhaps I would. Ooooh 'The Force' that sounds like fun.". The hooded man disappears, leaving the quartet and Axel. 

Axel introduced himself to them "My show now, Keyblade Jedi master. Who am I? Oh, my name's Axel. Got it memorized?". As he tapped his head to the side. That surprised Darcey a bit, but shook herself and replied "Uh...sure.". Axel impressed at her and said "Good, you're a quick learner must run in your family. So Darcey, now that we're getting to know each other better...". Axel summons two bladed chakrams. Darcey, Donald, and Goofy get ready to fight. Darcey activated her lightsaber, next to her keyblade and whispered to Jiminy "Jiminy, stay hidden in my hood, while we deal with this hot-headed joker". Jiminy nodded and said "Right-o Darce, don't let him burn you." Jiminy whispered back, as he went to hid in her hood. Axel smiled and said "....don't you go off and die on me now! Let's test how strong you are with the Force!". They fight, avoiding the chakrams and the fire, Donald and Darcey used ice magic against him. While Goofy used his shield as defence and offence against him. The Force helped Darcey avoid the attacks, Axel did injure them a bit. But they got back on their feet and won against him. Back in the Exit Hall, Axel is gone. A card covered in light hovers over. Darcey picks it up in curiosity. Goofy asks in confusion "Another one. What's it do?". Jiminy climbs onto Darcey's shoulder, seeing it was safe to come out. Jiminy thought for a minute and then said "Hmm. Kinda looks like the card you used when you made Traverse Town. Along with the other two worlds you made as well." Darcey replied "Then I guess we're gonna need it to keep going.....maybe get some answers of what's going on around here." Axel replied "That's right. Impressive power, the Force has given you." Catching the group by surprise.

Darcey gasps. Axel is standing near the staircase to the Second Floor. Donald yelled in surprise "Axel!". Axel simply said to them "Did you really think after that introduction, I would give up oh so easily?" As he walks over to them, they still held their weapons at him in defence. Darcey realised "You were testing us. Including my connection to the Force." While her lightsaber was humming the bright white blade. Axel said "And you passed. Congratulations, Darcey! You're ready now---ready to take on Castle Oblivion. You will need to follow your memories. Trust what you remember and seek what you forget. Then you will find someone very special." Goofy asking, as he held his shield "You mean King Mickey and Amanda? Faith and Twitchy too?" Axel explained to the heroes "You will just have to give some more thought to who it is that's---most important to you. Our most precious memories lie so deep within our hearts that they're out of reach. But I'm sure that you can find yours, Darcey.". Darcey asked in confusion "Why me?". Axel continued explaining "You have lost sight of the light within the darkness. And it seems that you've forgotten that you forgot."Darcey wondered what Axel meant by that line "The light within darkness...". Axel asks her "Would you like me to give you a hint?" As he holds out his hand to her, expecting her to take it.

Kingdom Hearts Jedi Keyblade Knight Re-chain of memories (Darcey's Story)Where stories live. Discover now