Chapter Twelve: Floor 11 (Unknown New World)/Vexen's death

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Floor 10 Exit/Floor 11 Enter---------(101)

The gang enters the Tenth Floor Exit Hall, Darcey was still getting over the events of what happened in Hollow Bastion. As much, as she tries to get over of what she experienced. She still feels something off of what they've encountered. Before they could continue onto the next floor, Faith and Twitchy sensed something was wrong. This made Twitchy scared and whimpered in her bag. Darcey stroked his head for comfort before anyone could say or do anything. Vexen appears and the group gets ready to fight. Faith sensed darkness from him and snarled her teeth at him, while standing next to Goofy. Darcey demanded who the mysterious man is "Who are you?!". Vexen simply replied "I am Vexen. I have come to collect your debt, Darcey Skywalker.". This made the team confused by what Vexen mentioned, Goofy asked "A debt? Darce, do you owe somethin' to this guy?". Darcey was confused and replied for her friends "No, Come on, of course not. Even if I did, I'd would've remembered....If its Faith or Twitchy you want, you're not having them! They're mine!". Vexen looked at them and smirked "Oh, but you do. You owe me for reuniting you with your former friend. Not to worry, it's not your pets I want." .This surprised Darcey of who Vexen was talking about, while Faith and Twitchy were relieved that he doesn't want them. Darcey asked "You don't mean—". "Indeed, I do. I'm the one who brought Amanda to you." Vexen interrupted and answered for her. Darcey glared at him with disgust and yelled "'re the one... You're the one who's been controlling her! What have you done with her? You creep!". Faith continued snarling at him, with Twitchy who also snarled at him. Vexen answered "I see no need to give you information about where Amanda is. After all--- (Vexen summons a large blue shield) Why trouble you in your final hour? Let's see how strong the Force is in you? Shall we?". Darcey hated this scoundrel already, one for controlling her best friend and two, insulating her family name, which is not right for her.

After she gestured her friends to let her handle him, they nodded their heads in understanding. Donald got Twitchy out of her bag and held him for protection. Faith stood back Goofy, still with that angry look on her face at Vexen. As Darcey and Vexen fought against each other, Vexen used his ice powers and shield techniques as his attack and defence methods. While Darcey used both her keyblade and lightsaber against him, along with fire spells. Since fire is ice's weakness. Once the battle was over, Vexen panted as he still held his shield. He felt very impressed with Darcey's fighting techniques and said "As I expected, you weren't one to die very easily. Unlike your family, they die so easily." He de-summons his shield. Darcey glared at him and yelled "As if I'd ever lose to you! You leave my family out of this!". Vexen just smirked and said "I wouldn't be so sure. Did you even notice? I was delving deep into your memory as we fought. And here... Look what I found." Vexen holds up a card of an unknown world, a world that was un-similar to her and her friends. Vexen simply explains "A card crafted from all the memories that are locked in the other side of your heart.". Vexen tosses the card to Darcey, she catches it, examines it. But before her eyes, he disappears in a dark corridor. Darcey cried out to him "Wait!". She runs towards Vexen but he is gone. She then looks at the card in curiosity, and asked " the other side?". Faith, Twitchy, Donald and Goofy soon rejoin Darcey, together they all leave the Exit Hall. Ready to enter the next world of their memories.

The grand plan of the Organization was falling into place, but the suspicion of a certain traitor is starting to arise. In the Organization's meeting room in the castle. Axel, Larxene, and Marluxia are gathered around the crystal ball, discussing the downfall of their plan. Axel said "If Darcey disappears, that would mess up the Organization's plans and our partnership with the First Order and our allies. Losing their trust in aligning with us.". Marluxia agreed and reminded Axel "I trust that you know what you need to do. If we are to ensure our partnership with the First Order and every terrorist and criminal empire." Axel rubbed it off and said "Haven't a clue, really. Maybe you could spell it out for me." Marluxia suspects about Vexen's actions against them. Marluxia declared "Vexen has clearly committed a treasonous act against the Organization and has endangered our partnership with the First Order and our allies. You must eliminate the traitor." Axel agreed and said "No taking that back later." Axel disappears in a dark corridor, ready to carry out the order.

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